双语环球:印尼2岁男童每天抽40支烟(图)![]() 印尼2岁男童每天抽40支烟
Two-year-old Aldi yanks on his mother's hair and squirms in her arms. Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin. "He's crying because he wants a cigarette," said Diana, his mother。 两岁大的阿尔迪猛拽母亲头发,在她怀中扭动,双下巴褶里都是流泪。“他哭是因为他想要一支烟,”他母亲黛安娜说。 A video of him plopped on a brightly-colored toy truck inhaling deeply and happily blowing smoke rings has circulated on the Internet, turning him into a local celebrity. Aldi is nearly twice the weight of other babies his age (20 kilograms or 44 pounds)。 关于两岁阿尔迪吸烟的视频上周已在网络流传开来,阿尔迪也因此成名。这个著名的视频上,阿尔迪正坐在亮色的玩具卡车上,深深地、开心地吸吐着烟圈。他如今体重几乎是同龄人正常体重的两倍(大约二十公斤)。 Mulyadi asked for help from the Indonesia's National Commission for Child Protection. Seto Mulyadi, chairman of the commission, told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy's time。 黛安娜最终决定向印尼保护儿童全国委员会求助,希望这一机构帮阿尔迪戒烟。委员会主席塞托 穆利阿迪告诉她,她得找烟以外的事物转移阿尔迪注意力。 "Smoking has been a part of our culture for so long it isn't perceived as being hazardous, causing illness or poisonous," said Mulyadi. "A lot of adults who are around children smoke. They carry a baby in one hand and a cigarette in the other. " “吸烟已经成为我们文化中的一部分很久了,所以它在人们心中是无害,不会致病,也无毒。很多大人就在孩子旁边吸烟。他们甚至常常一手抱着孩子,一手拿着烟。” But he said what was disturbing was that the parents' motivation to get Aldi to quit wasn't stemming primarily from an understanding of the risk to his health, but more from the cost of spending four dollars a day -- Aldi smokes an average of 40 cigarettes daily。 尤其令穆利阿迪不安的是,小阿尔迪父母让其戒烟的并非源自于对吸烟不利于阿尔迪健康这一事实的认识,而是担心这样下去开销太大——阿尔迪平均每天吸40支烟,费用为4美元。 There is a scar on Aldi's head, where he smashed his head into a wall during one of his tantrums. He also vomits when he can't satisfy his addiction. "I smoked when I was pregnant, but after I gave birth I quit," Diana said. "We went to the market and then suddenly he had a cigarette in his hand. Even when he was a baby and he would smell smoke he would be happy." 阿尔迪头部一道伤疤。据了解,阿尔迪烟瘾难耐,大发脾气,甚至用头撞墙,留下这道疤。他受烟瘾折磨时还呕吐。阿尔迪的母亲黛安娜回忆说:“我怀孕的时候有吸烟,但生完孩子我就戒掉了。后来又一次我们去市场,突然阿尔迪的手里出现一根烟。那时他还是婴儿,闻到烟味却显得开心。” A study by the child protection commission shows that between 2001 and 2007, the number of children smoking between the ages of five and nine jumped 400 percent. That does not take into account children like Aldi, who are under the age of five. Mulyadi believes the number is significantly higher and child smokers are getting younger。 一份保护儿童全国委员会研究报告显示,2001年至2007年,印尼5岁至9岁儿童吸烟人数猛涨400%。这还不算五岁以下吸烟的孩子,比如阿尔迪。穆利阿迪认为如今这个群体的数目会更大,吸烟者很年轻化。 "We are fighting to remind the country that we really need to protect our children," Mulyadi said。 “我们在全力以赴地提醒这个国家:我们必须要保护我们的孩子,”穆利阿迪说道。 网友评论
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