惊艳一夏:短发也能千变万化(组图)还记得法国电影《两小无猜》里那个固执而深情的女主角吗? 今天,让Marion Cotillard的发型师来教教我们,短发到底能玩出多少花样,复古、典雅、摇滚、清纯…… Marion到底能换多少种造型呢? 头发侧分,向外烫卷,然后用手指稍稍拨乱。
For touchable waves, Vetica created a side part, curled Cotillard's hair away from the face , then brushed through the curls with his fingers to relax them。 头发侧分,向外烫卷,然后用手指稍稍拨乱。 顺滑的直发加上顶端的王冠造型完美呈现了一个时尚鸡冠头。
Slick sides and a teased crown created a fashiony faux hawk. To do: Pull side sections taut to the back of the head and bobby-pin in place, letting ends hang. Tease center section for height。 顺滑的直发加上顶端的王冠造型完美呈现了一个时尚鸡冠头。先把头发向后梳紧,用发夹固定好,低端任其自由下垂,然后把顶端的头发堆积起来。 中分的卷发看上去更有浪漫气息
"A center part makes waves look romantic," said Vetica, who curled Cotillard's hair and then blasted it with a blow-dryer to loosen it a touch。 Vetica认为中分的卷发看上去更有浪漫气息。先把头发烫卷,然后用吹风机吹乱就行。 网友评论
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