Vetica dried the actress's hair while retaining her natural wave, then pulled it into "a makeshift French twist," securing shorter, stray pieces with extra bobby pins。 吹干头发的同时注意保持头发本身的蜷曲程度,然后乱乱地扎一个法式扭曲式发型,比较短的碎发用发夹固定住。 用发夹弄卷头发,看上去有种复古风情。
For a '50s-inspired look, Vetica set her hair with pin curls, then brushed it out for a slight wave. Sides were pulled back and pinned behind her ears, underneath other waves。 用发夹弄卷头发,看上去有种复古风情。随后用刷子刷一下头发,稍稍弄出弧度。两边的头发用发夹向后固定住。 拉直之后的短发看上去会长一点
Blown dry pin-straight, Cotillard's hair appeared longer. "I flat-iron the ends so they don't kick up when they hit her shoulder blades," added Vetica。 拉直之后的短发看上去会长一点。末端的头发要用直板拉直,这样在接触肩膀的时候就不会变弯。
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