
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年06月29日 13:53   环球时报

  附上利息 to draw interest/to bear interest/to allow interest

  生息 to yield interest

  生息3% to yield 3%

  存款 to deposit in a bank/to put in a bank/to place on deposit/to make deposit

  在银行存款 to have money in a bank/to have a bank account/to have money on deposit

  向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank

  换取现金 to convert into money/to turn into cash/to realize

  打折扣购买 to buy at a discount

  打折扣出售 to sell at a discount

  打折扣-让价 to reduce/to make a reduction

  减价 to deduct/to make a deduction

  回扣 to rebate

  现金折扣 cash discount

  货到付款/现金提货 cash on deliver (C.O.D。)

  货到付现款 cash on arrival

  即时付款 prompt cash

  净价/最低价格付现 net cash

  现金付款 ready cash

  即期付款 spot cash/cash down/cash on the nail

  凭单据付现款 cash against documents

  凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading

  承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)

  付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)

  追加信用证 additional credit||additional L/C

  信用证金额 amount of credit

  赊帐金额 credit balance

  可撤消信用证 revocable L/C

  不可撤消信用证 irrevocable L/C

  保兑信用证 confirmed L/C

  不保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C

  可转让信用证 assignable L/C||transferable L/C

  银行信用证 banker's L/C

  有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C

  无追索权信用证 without recourse L/C

  单一信用证 simple credit

  无条件信用证 open credit/free credit

  普通信用证 general letter of credit

  旅行信用证 circular letter of credit

  特别信用证 special letter of credit

  信用证底帐 letter of credit ledger

  信用证发行帐 letter of credit issued account

  信用证金额 amount of credit

  信用证余额/信用证结欠 credit balance

  开立信用证 to open a credit

  通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank

  电开信用证 to cable a credit

  取消信用证 to cancel a credit

  开出信用证 to issue a credit

  在某银行开立信用证 to arrange a credit with a bank

  修改信用证 to amend a credit

  延展信用证有效期 to extend a credit

  增加信用证面额 to increase a credit

  寄出信用证 to send a credit

  请发给信用证 to take out a credit

  请入收款人的户号 account payee

  请支付票款 advice to pay cheques

  惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate

  金额有错误 accounts differ

  签名有误|印鉴不符 signatures differ

  保证付款 good for payment

  请照会发票人 refer to drawee (R.D。)

  无交易 no account

  款额不足/存款不足 not sufficient (N.S。)/no sufficient funds (N.S.F。)

  已无存款 no funds

  需要出具拒绝证书 to be protested

  没有通知 no advice

  未受指示 no orders

  禁止转让/不可转让 non-transferable/not transferable

  已付款 received payment||payment received

  上开价金已收到 value received||for value received

  上开价金系经核算 value in account

  上开金额与发票相同 value as per invoice

  上开金额与通知书相符 value as per advice

  无追索权 without recourse

  有追索权/偿还请求权 right of recourse

  请求偿还清单/清偿帐户 recourse account

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