
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月16日 15:56   国际在线

  West Side Story, 1961


  Natalie Wood plays an impoverished Puerto Rican on the wrong side of town, but still gets to wear ravishing New Look silhouettes with beautifully matching shoes. This disregard for the tenets of gritty kitchensink drama bothered us for years, but then we remembered that her character Maria worked in a bridal shop – was she helping herself to fabric and dye when the boss wasn’t looking? And is that why she felt so pretty?



  Belle de Jour, 1967


  The director Luis Bu?uel steadfastly maintained that this was a serious psycho-sexual study of bourgeois neurosis. Nice try, Bu?uel. Obviously what’s really on show here is Catherine Denueve’s stupefyingly chic wardrobe – designed for her by YSL himself. Seriously – the clothes helped to nail the Deneuve character’s pampered, demure confusion。



  The Big Sleep, 1946


  Notwithstanding that she is one of the most beautiful females ever to grace the planet, Lauren Bacall’s Big Sleep looks – the pinned-back hair, the chicly tilted hats, the power-shouldered jackets – were arguably the finest she wore on screen. And observe again at the dress in which she serenades the punters in Eddie Mars’s gambling den: incomparable。



  Atonement, 2007


  How come films set inthe 1930s almost always look better than films made in the 1930s? Moving as Christopher Hampton’s adaptation of Ian McEwan’s novel is, Keira Knightley’s clothes steal the show. The costume designer Jacqueline Durran grasped the period and ran with it – languid, elegant, understated yet drop-dead gorgeous。


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