
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年07月16日 15:56   国际在线

  Bonnie and Clyde, 1967


  Bonnie Parker’s main accessory, aside from her gun and Clyde Barrow, was a series of killer hats. Her beret and silk scarf combination is as legendary as it is simple, and the beribboned fedoras she wore on several heists gave her a sense of propriety in improper circumstances。



  Annie Hall, 1977


  Admittedly, that androgynous waistcoat and tie shtick, based on Diane Keaton’s own wardrobe of vintage menswear, looks a little clunky now. But no Annie Hall, no Ralph Lauren. Annie’s impact reverberates even today – see Chloe, Celine。



  Factory Girl, 2006


  To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long, nubile legs. The clothes in between were a revolving mixture of black leotards, striped dresses and enormous animal skins. Although she spent a good part of the film in nothing more than a pair of tights, wherever she went piles of necklaces and several knuckleduster rings followed。



  Gone with the Wind, 1939


  Vivien Leigh’s Southern-belle accent was slightly wonky, but the graceful way she wore her antebellum wardrobe was impeccable. The scene in which Mammy harnesses Scarlett’s waist down to 18in inspired generations of sadistic fashion designers but, fiddle-dee-dee, we can’t help loving those Walter Plunkett designed ballgowns。

  虽然费雯丽的南方美人口音有点不靠谱,但她穿战前服装的优雅方式无可挑剔。保姆将斯嘉丽的腰勒成18 英寸的场景为一代代有施虐倾向的时装设计师带来了灵感,不过,这纯属无稽之谈。我们无法不喜欢那些沃特-普兰克特设计的公主撑裙。

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