国际音标关第六章:后元音u(一)来源:昂秀英语 第二节 后元音 U 1、精确口形图 发音要决 u 发此音时,双唇收圆,肌肉尽量放松,舌后部 抬起,舌尖离开下齿,然后振动声带即成,发 短音。 v 发[ u ]音时,类似汉字“乌”,嘴唇要噘起,但 要注意不能过于突出,声带肌肉略有紧张感。 请听示范发音,首先模仿单词,进而模仿短语,随后到句子、绕口令,最后学唱歌曲。由慢到快,由易到难,最终完全达到示范发音的速度和音调! 3、常见发音字母或组合 c u-sugar , push c o-wolf , woman c oo-foot , look c ou-could , would 5、短语速读练习 u a good book 一本好书 v through the woods 穿过森林 w sugary cookies 甜饼干 x pull through 度过难关 y like a fool 像个傻瓜 z a cookbook 一本食谱 look at the woman 看这个女人 took some sugar 拿了一些糖 push her book 推销她的书 by hook or by crook 不择手段 6、句子一口气快读练习 1. That woman wrote a very good那个女人写了一本很好的书。 book . 2. Put the book on the bookshelf , please . 请把书放在书架上。 3. This chair is made of good wood . 这把椅子是好木头做的。 4. You should cook the food tonight . 今晚你应该做饭。 5. Mr. Wood couldn’t have pushed the car . 伍德先生没能推动这辆车。 6. His left foot was hurt by a hook . 他的左脚被一个钩子刮伤了。 7. The cook put some sugar into the soup . 厨师往汤里放了些糖。 8. The butcher shook hands with the cook . 屠夫和厨师握手。 9. I know you could but you wouldn’t do it . 我知道你能够做,但你不会去做。 10. She took a look at the angry她看了一眼生气的屠夫然后跑了 butcher and ran out 。出去。 7、绕口令口腔肌肉练习 Undrewood would read book if Underwood knew where his book was. Underwood’s book was in Durwood’s woods. Underwood went into Durwood’s woods and got his book。 安德伍德如果知道他的书在哪儿的话,他就会读一读。安德伍德的书在德伍德的森林里。安德伍德进入德伍德的森林去取他的书。
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