50岁老妇拥有磁力 身体能吸硬币(组图)![]() 50岁的布兰达-艾丽森向我们展示了她的无穷魔力
Attraction: Brenda Allison, 50, is so magnetically charged that metal objects including coins, keys and even tin lids stick to her for up to 45 minutes. 我与“铁”心心相惜:50岁的布兰达。艾丽森向我们展示了她的无穷魔力,她的身体竟然能将硬币、钥匙都能紧紧地“吸附”上。这些有磁力的部位甚至包括她的嘴唇,据称,她的“磁力”能够维持长达45分钟。 When the pulse is at its strongest, she says she can even dance in her living room without them coming off. 这位中年妇女宣称,当她身体的磁力达到最强的时候,她能够“吸附”着这些铁制品在卧室翩翩起舞,而从不担心他们会脱落。 ![]() 她时常为经常有“电磁流”贯穿她的身体而感到万分的尴尬
For as long as she can remember, she explains, her body has set off car alarms, interrupted the TV signal and blown out light bulbs. LOOKING on the bright side, she should never lose her keys. 从她能记事开始,50岁的布兰达。艾丽森就能够做一些十分神奇的事情。比如:凭借自己的“磁力”启动汽车警报系统、干扰电视信号、还有熄灭电灯。 Dubbed “the human magnet”, Miss Allison says she is often embarrassed by the effect, which she has been told is down to a heightened electromagnetic current running through her body. 50岁的布兰达。艾丽森称她自己其实并不为自己所展现的超能力所感到自豪,相反的,她时常为经常有“电磁流”贯穿她的身体而感到万分的尴尬。 ![]() “钢铁女侠”神奇磁力竟能启动汽车警报
Positive: Mrs Allison was once accused by a cashier of deliberately cursing his till when her magnetism caused it to develop problems. 乐观的精神:拥有“磁力”的超能力在日常生活中也帮她解决了很多问题。 Doctors have told Miss Allison that her magnetism may be caused by high stress levels and have urged her to take steps to relax. 医生则说,艾丽森小姐之所以拥有“强烈的磁力”是由于她的身体处在高度的紧张状态中,所以,医生建议她应该适度地放松自己。 Vocabulary: magnetically adv.1. 有磁力地,有魅力地 come off 脱落,被去除掉 bulb n.1. 球茎2. 电灯泡3. (植物)鳞茎 网友评论
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