
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年08月26日 16:42   环球时报


  误译:The zero-sum concept is now being gradually substituted for the win-win concept。

  正译:The zero-sum concept is now being gradually substituted with/by the win-win concept。

  解释:to substitute A for B的意思是“以A取代B”,其被动语态形式为 B is substituted with/by A。英语没有B is substituted for A的形式。


  1. 许多人相信“哪里有赢家,那里必有输家”的零和观念。Many people believe in the zero-sum concept that wherever there are winners there must be losers。

  “零和游戏”或“零和博弈”,英语可以译为 zero-sum game,其意思为 “一方获益而另一方受损的局面”。例如:

  2. 零和游戏是一种一个玩家只能在另一个玩家输的情况下获赢的游戏。A zero-sum game is a type of game wherein one player can gain only at the expense of another player。


  3. 中国内地从2009年7月1日起对原产自香港的部分产品实施零关税。China's mainland implemented zero tariffs on part of the products originating from Hong Kong from July 1, 2009.

  “零容忍”,译为 zero tolerance。例如:

  4. 只有全社会对腐败现象持“零容忍”态度,人们才能消除和减少腐败的发生。Only when the whole society takes a zero tolerance attitude towards corruption, can people eliminate or reduce its occurrence。


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