If you're considering getting a pet, your first thought might not be a pack of wolves. But California couple Paul and Colette have formed a bond with the animals over the years. It all started when Paul rescued a female black Alaskan timberwolf hybrid. The couple was so in love with her that they introduced 9 more. However, Paul said they have needed to dedicate thousands of hours to train the animals because of their wild and fearsome nature。 英国《每日邮报》9月7日报道:当你开始考虑养一只宠物时,你的第一选择不大可能是一窝狼。但是生活在加利福尼亚州的保罗和科莱特已经和这些猛兽有了多年的感情。这一切源于保罗挽救了一只黑色雌性阿拉斯加混血树狼。这对夫妇对这只狼如此喜爱以至于他们接下来又把9匹狼带回家抚养。但是,保罗称,要驯服这些野蛮凶残的动物,不花成千上万个小时是不可能的。 网友评论
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