宅人宝典:教你做苍蝇动力灰机(组图)![]() step 1
Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise. Make sure you leave a little of the red tip intact for effect. Discard one half。 找一根火柴,从一边切开一个口。然后纵向把火柴切成两长条。记得务必留下火柴的红色小尖头哦,另外的一半先放着。 ![]() step 2
Make the aircraft by glueing the sliver of wood - the wing - across the remaining part of the matchstick - the fuselage. If you want, you can use little scraps to make a tail section. Or you can make a biplane. Or you can use a couple of thin slices of balsa to make a huge wing, one that will carry maybe twenty engines. Indulge your aeronautical whims. Think of lift, think of thrust, think of innovation without the benefit of an industrial policy。 如何做灰机呢——拿合适长度的火柴做机翼,用胶水将其和之前的火柴(机身)以十字形黏合。如果你高兴或实在很闲,可以用小碎片做成机尾部分,或做成华丽丽的双翼飞机。又或许你可以用轻质的木薄片作出巨大的机翼,介样没准可以放20个发动机呢。尽情沉醉于你的航空奇想吧。想下下升降问题,考虑下推力问题,思考下不会从工业政策中收益的任何奇妙创新吧! ![]() step 3
Catch a bunch of flies. Put them in a jar and put the jar in the freezer. In a few seconds the flies will be chilled out completely. This is called cryogenics, and it has its drawbacks. For example, the flies will be dead flies if you freeze them too long. Dead flies are no good. So if you're a tinkerer, refrigerate your flies. It takes longer to make them comatose, but they have a higher recovery rate than the ones you leave in the freezer next to the burritos。 抓一群苍蝇!将他们放在一个罐子里,然后把罐子放进冰箱的冷冻室。只要一会儿,苍蝇们就会完全冻晕。介个就是所谓的低温学,不过这个方法会有缺点哦。例如,如果冻苍蝇的时间太长,它们就成了死苍蝇。死苍蝇就不好玩鸟。因此,如果你技术尚未成熟,就用冷藏室吧。这样的话会花比较长的时间来使它们进入昏迷状态,不过,比起把它们放在冷冻室里,这样会有较高的存活率。 网友评论 |
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