教你做苍蝇动力灰机:第4到7步(组图)step 4
Meanwhile, put a tiny drop of rubber cement at each place along the wing where you want an engine。 冻苍蝇的同时呢,你可以在机翼上,想要装引擎之处,滴上小滴的橡胶胶水。 step 5
Take the flies out of the freezer. Attach the abdomen of one frigid fly to each drop of glue. Make sure all the flies are facing the same direction。 把苍蝇们从冰箱中取出,把冻僵了的苍蝇的腹部粘在橡胶胶水上,也就是机翼的引擎位置上。确保所有苍蝇的头都面向同一个方向哦。 step 6
Breathe life into the flies. A miracle: A gentle puff of your warm breath will resuscitate the flies。 step 7
Launch the aircraft. It should fly like a charm, and, far from being cruel to the flies, you'll be teaching them a new and valuable thing, one that brings us to the virtue of this exercise. For we see that while flies think a lot alike, have a great deal in common, share many of the same hopes and dreams, they never act in concert, as a team, with regard for the worth of other, neighboring flies until forced to by grim circumstance - as, for example, when they are harnessed to fly and either first experience the exhilaration of high-altitude cooperation or die. Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber。 现在让灰机起飞吧!它会飞得很好哒。这可不是虐待苍蝇哦,你教给了它们一些新的,有价值的东西,就是靠这些才有了如今的人类!我们知道,苍蝇的思维方式很相似,它们有很多共同之处,它们分享着同样的希望和梦想,但它们从来不会像一个团队般为他蝇着想,采取一致行动。除非在严峻的情况下,例如,被利用来驾驭飞机,要么就享受初次高空合作的愉悦要么就死。面对这样关键的选择,他们会像滑翔机般翱翔高飞,会像隐形飞机般全速冲刺,当飞越过谷仓或狗窝时,会变成令人叹为观止的的俯冲轰炸机! 网友评论
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