
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月28日 17:09   沪江英语


  Third, improve the quality and capacity of our workers. We need to improve the quality of workers and make sure that economic growth is truly driven by scientific and technological advancement, improvement of workers' quality and innovation in management. This meets the need for people's all-round development and provides a major guarantee for economic and social development. We need to improve the quality of our workers to promote transformation of the economic growth pattern, economic restructuring and upgrading and harmonious growth between the economy and society. We should offer proper guidance to our workers so that they will improve their moral and educational background, raise their working capacity, obtain new knowledge, skills and know-how and become high-quality workers to meet the needs of economic and social development in the new era. We should take steps to adapt to changes in economic growth pattern and improvement of economic structures, and build and improve a vocational training system accessible to all workers and formulate a guiding system, training system, evaluation system and incentive system to help our workers improve their professional and technical skills in an all-round manner. It is important to bring into full play the role of education in improving the quality and capacity of workers. To achieve the goal of building a study-oriented society and realizing life-long education, we need to give priority to education, make it more modernized, and ensure its non-profit and universal nature. We should protect our citizens' right to education as provided for by law and work hard to nurture high-quality workers, professional talents and leading creative talents。


  Fourth, build a social security system that ensures sustainable development. A sound social security system is a major guarantee for economic and social development; it also provides a safety net for social harmony and stability. On the basis of economic development, we should build a social security system covering both urban and rural residents, and ensure its coverage is broad, basic, multi-tiered and sustainable. We should better coordinate social insurance, social assistance and social welfare, and raise the level of social security steadily. We should vigorously increase social security input in government budget, expand the coverage of social insurance, improve the social assistance system, and promote social welfare and charity endeavors so that we will better ensure our people's rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care and housing。


  Practical and win-win cooperation is essential if we, APEC member economies, are to achieve common development. We should beef up economic and technical cooperation, advance regional trade and investment liberalization, and narrow the development gap among member economies to promote common prosperity. We should work more closely in employment, social security and other fields by promoting policy dialogue and experience sharing. We should broaden our cooperation in human resources development, build platforms for technical cooperation, and raise our cooperation level with the focus on helping developing members in human resources development. To this end, China has decided to launch, together with other APEC member economies, the APEC Skills Development Promotion Project。


  China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth, a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony. While speeding up the transformation of economic growth pattern and maintaining stable and relatively fast economic growth, China is committed to integrating economic development with improvement of people's lives. We focus on addressing issues that directly concern people's biggest and most immediate interests, and endeavor to promote social progress designed to improve people's livelihood. In response to the international financial crisis, China has introduced the policy of ensuring economic growth, people's livelihood and stability. We adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy. We vigorously promoted economic development, focusing on improving efficiency, and, at the same time, increased input in social programs, intensifying our efforts to improve the social safety net and address problems concerning people's livelihood. We are keenly aware that despite the significant achievements in economic and social development, China remains the largest developing country in the world. China's basic national conditions, a huge population, weak economic foundation and imbalance in development, remain unchanged, and we face many serious challenges in economic and social development. We will stay committed to scientific development, deepen reform and opening-up, and push forward economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development in an all-round way. We will better coordinate the various links and aspects in our modernization drive, create even more social wealth, and improve people's lives to achieve all-round, balanced and sustainable economic and social development。


  Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region faces unprecedented opportunities of development. We, APEC members, should work together and make the best use of this APEC cooperation platform to deepen and broaden our cooperation. Hand in hand, let's move toward the objective of enduring peace and common prosperity for the benefit of people in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large。


  I wish this meeting a complete success!


  Thank you。

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