20大美剧中最拉风的万圣节装扮(组图)20 Freaks and Geeks《怪胎与书呆》 怪胎与书呆
看着不像卓别林的卓别林,硬纸板机器人,异装,外加仿生学机器人……好吧,这个寒碜啊。 The Geeks were too old to trick-or-treat, but they went anyway. And they went in costumes so bad that they were almost amazing. A Charlie Chaplin who barely looked like Charlie Chaplin. A cardboard robot. And a cross-dresser with dreams of the Bionic Woman… Halloween genius! 19 Parenthood《为人父母》 为人父母
穿成大瓢虫的Max实在很萌,不禁让小编想到金龟子!哈哈~~ I know everyone dressed up in this season’s Halloween episode, but let’s just contemplate Max’s incredibly adorable ladybug (?) costume. Awwww… 18 Desperate Housewives《绝望主妇》 绝望主妇
俗话说一山容不得二虎,除非一公一母;一社区容不得二玛丽莲梦露,更不能是一公一母! Half of the shows that have ever aired Halloween episodes have had a Marilyn Monroe. But two Marilyns? One of them a man? Well done, Desperate Housewives, well done. 17 Modern Family《摩登家庭》 摩登家庭
超可爱的科学怪人哈~~《摩登家庭》出手果然不凡。 Modern Family does just about everything right, and it’s no surprise that Halloween isn’t an exception. Aren’t they just the cutest little Frankenstein and Mad Scientist? 网友评论
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