
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年10月31日 15:52   中国日报网-英语点津

  4 How I Met Your Mother《老爸老妈的浪漫史》



  How I Met Your Mother earned its place on the roster of best character costumes back in the first season with its “Slutty Pumpkin" episode. While we never saw the titular costume, its description as a pumpkin carved in strategic locations made it the best costume never seen. This year’s HIMYM Halloween offering is just as amazing, mostly because of Barney’s Johnny Lawrence (from The Karate Kid’s Cobra-Kai Dojo) costume。

  3 Roseanne《罗斯纳》



  A couple of decades ago, Roseanne set the standard for incredible Halloween costumes. While the characters’ looks were awesome each year, Dan’s “Three Stooges" costume (from season 3) won for both impressiveness and creep factor。

  2 Castle《灵术妙探》



  Castle’s second season Halloween episode, “Vampire Weekend," took the cake for the most meta of character costumes. The best is main character, Rick Castle (played by Nathan Fillion), who dressed like a “space cowboy" in an exact copy of the Firefly character Malcolm Reynolds (also played by Nathan Fillion). This brought up one of the best exchanges in television history:

  Alexis: “What exactly are you supposed to be?"

  Castle: “Space cowboy."

  Alexis: “OK, A) there are no cows in space. B) Didn’t you wear that like five years ago?"

  Castle: “So?"

  Alexis: “So, don’t you think you should move on?"

  Castle: “I like it."  

  1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer《捉鬼者巴菲》



  Halloween was never supposed to be a big deal on Buffy (the vampires took the night off), but the show always managed to have something happen. Costume mayhem reached its pinnacle in the season 2 episode, “Halloween." Thanks to an evil costume shopkeeper, the gang all turned into their costumes. When Willow covered up a revealing hooker costume with a ghost sheet, she got to spend the night as the ghost of a hooker。

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