六种创意方式 装扮你的圣诞树(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月13日 10:19   沪江英语

  Look out for the way Christmas trees are styled in malls, hotels and restaurants. Colors and ornaments change year by year — don't be afraid of adopting new ideas。

  For a Monochromatic Tree 单色系装扮圣诞树


  Using only one color with a white complement creates an elegant effect. Gold, for example, is eternally elegant, and reflective white lights make the ornaments sparkle. Stand a tree close to a mirror for increased impact, but make sure your tree is decorated all around. Simple lengths of satin-edged ribbon embellish the sophisticated effect。


  For a Traditional Tree 传统型圣诞树


  For a stunning look, make sure your tree is laden with ornaments. The traditional colors of red and gold, mixed with green suits every home and welcomes your guests。


  For a Country-Style Tree 乡村型


  Dress your tree with simple-shaped, plain ornaments and feature hearts made from plain and gingham fabrics. Use imitation candle lights for a cozy Christmas in the country appeal. Continue your theme through to the tree's container or surrounding objects, such as a wooden nativity scene。


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