
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月13日 10:19   沪江英语

  For a Snow-Covered Tree 白雪皑皑


  For a stylish look, discard bright colors and decorate your tree with swathes of white marabou feathers or loops of fancy "eyelash" yarn. Choose pale-colored ornaments in a few basic shapes. Top the tree with a whimsical star and carry the look through to the tree stand — use a plain silver bucket or pail。


  For a Blend of Pretty Foliage 花哨的装扮


  Red poinsettias and gold-sprayed weeping fig leaves are surrounded by clear lights to make a sumptuous tree. Potted poinsettias can be placed around the foot of the tree to echo the decorations. Holly, ivy, and cinnamon sticks can all be colored with gold spray paint, and tied to the tree with gold cord。


  For a Tree with a Theme 各种主题版


  Amuse your visitors by trimming your tree with surprising motifs — gorgeous jeweled butterflies, tiny toys, miniature

  dolls, or fine china cups. Plan your theme early so you will have lots of time to collect or create ornaments in the theme you choose。

  你可以发挥你的各种创意来打造一个独属于你的圣诞树。你可以挂上gorgeous jeweled butterflies(制作精美带有宝石的蝴蝶饰品), tiny toys(小玩具), miniature dolls(迷你玩偶), or fine china cups(精致的瓷杯)。

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