
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月17日 16:48   新浪教育

  1. 我肯定。 I’m sure。

  = I’m certain。

  = I know for sure。

  2. 你说的一点儿没错。 You’re absolutely correct。

  A: This is written by Shakespeare。


  B: You’re absolutely correct。


  ■ absolutely 用来表示强调,意为“绝对”。 Section

  3. 我百分之百肯定。 I’m a hundred percent certain. ● a hundred percent“百分之百”

  4. 是的。Right。

  A: Are you from America?

  您是从美国来的吗? B: Right. 是的。

  5. 你说对啦。You got it。

  = You’ve got it。

  ○ Absolutely! 一点没错 !

  6. 我完全同意你的看法。I couldn’t agree with you more。

  ○ I agree with you 100%。


  7. 我对此没意见。I have no problem with that. ○ It works for me. 跟我想得一样。

  8. 你说到点子上了。Your answer is to the point。

  = You hit the nail on the head。

  ● to the point“中肯,扼要”

  9. 这正是我所想的。This is just what I have in mind. A: Are you in favor of having a trip during the summer holiday?


  B: This is just what I have in mind. Where are you planning to go?


  ● have in mind“考虑,打算”

  10. 你的观点很有道理。Your opinion is reasonable。

  = Your opinion stands to reason。

  ○ That’s a reasonable opinion。


  ★ reasonable  a. 合理的,有道理的

  11. 如果你说是,那就是吧。If you say so。

  A: My answer is definitely right。


  B: If you say so. 如果你说是,那就是吧。

  12. 正是。You’ve got it。

  A: Do you mean this? 你是这个意思吗? B: You’ve got it. 正是。

  13. 确实是这样。No doubt. A: It’s really difficult to find a job。


  B: No doubt. 确实是这样。

  14. 你说得有道理。You have a point there。

  A: You can use a computer to translate it。


  B: You have a point there. 你说得有道理。

  ■ point 在这里表示“要点,意义”。

  15. 我对此确信无疑。I have no doubt about it. ○ There’s no room for doubt about it。


  16. 据我所知是这样。Yes, as far as I know. = Yes, as far as I can tell。

  = Yes, to the best of my knowledge。

  ■ as far as 用以表示范围或程度,意为“在……范围内,就……而言”

  17. 恐怕是这样的。I’m afraid so. Section

  A: I’ve heard he lost his bag。


  B: I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样的。

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