2010年度突出表现十大影视明星新面孔1.Emma Stone
2010年头儿上她还是“《尸乐园》里那姑娘”,没想到艾玛·斯通因着一部《绯闻计划》一炮而红,叫好又叫座的这部校园喜剧为她带来了《蜘蛛侠》续集、《帮助》等等片约,这妞前途似锦啊! Emma Stone It's hard to believe that Emma Stone started 2010 best known as ''that girl from Zombieland.'' But that all changed with her first starring role as the quick-witted Olive in Easy A, a raunchy high school comedy that grossed an unexpected $58 million. She worked hard to get that role but judging by all the A-list roles she's landed since — Gwen Stacy in the Spider-Man reboot, Skeeter Phelan in an adaptation of the best-seller The Help, and Ryan Gosling's love interest in the Steve Carell rom-com Crazy Stupid Love, all due next year — fighting for parts may now be a thing of the past。 2.Jennifer Lawrence
同样年纪轻轻的詹尼佛·劳伦斯在《冬天的骨头》中的表现令人印象深刻,都说她能拿一个奥斯卡提名哦。据说她拍摄的时候最担心那些砍木头啦打枪之类的体力活,显然她干得不错,明年她将出现在梅尔·吉普森的黑暗喜剧《海狸》以及前传《X战警:第一课》。 Jennifer Lawrence As the scrappy teenage heroine of the indie Winter's Bone, Jennifer Lawrence, 20, imbued her first big film role with an astonishing maturity that's made her a safe bet for a Best Actress Oscar nom. ''The physical things were what I was most worried about: chopping the wood, skinning the squirrel, the guns. I wanted to technically get it right,'' Lawrence says of filming in rural Missouri. Next spring she'll appear in the Mel Gibson dark comedy The Beaver and will play Mystique in 2011's X-Men: First Class。 3.Tom Hardy
好吧其实他也不算什么新人啦,在这张表单里怎么也算是个大叔。《盗梦空间》中表现得头脑冷静的汤姆·哈迪无疑是个好演员,他被诺兰看中了会继续在《黑暗骑士再起》中出演哦。 Tom Hardy Exactly 35 minutes into Inception, in saunters Tom Hardy as the urbane ''forger'' Eames. Coolheaded and just plain cool, Hardy swiped every scene he was in. The 33-year-old Brit — whose first major film role was in the 2002 bomb Star Trek: Nemesis — will next star opposite Reese Witherspoon in This Means War. And he's reportedly set to reteam with Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight Rises。 网友评论企业服务 |