全球最热明星品牌香水:Justin Bieber(组图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月07日 11:52   沪江英语 官方微博
Justin BieberJustin Bieber

  Justin Bieber is targeting only the fairer gender with an upcoming product. No offense, guys, but the artist has made it clear for whom his new perfume will be intended:“It’s for my female fans. I want to create something that will have the girls go crazy."

  B宝即将推出自己的个人品牌香水,名为My World,并且说明就是针对女性粉丝推出的,希望大家能随时随地感受到自己就在身边。

Katy PerryKaty Perry

  A mix scent of peach, apple and bamboo, the fragrance is one that Perry assured buyers would never smell before。

  就如舞台上的她一样,Katy Perry的新香水Purr混合了性感,甜蜜和俏皮。混合了桃树花蜜,苹果,香草,兰花,檀香和麝香味道,装在镶有水晶眼珠的小猫瓶子里。

Kim KardashianKim Kardashian

  Kardashian’s effort, developed by perfumer Claude Dir, is heavier on the tuberose (the notes: mandarin, honeysuckle, orange blossom, jasmine, tuberose, gardenia, tonka bean, jacaranda wood, vanilla orchid, musk and sandalwood)。

  Kim Kardashian在2009年推出了同名女士香水,是销售量最好的明星香水之一(香味:鲜橙、忍冬、香橙花、茉莉、晚香玉、栀子花、薰草豆、兰花木、香草兰、 麝香、檀香)据悉Kim趁热打铁,打算在2011年2月推出新的香水。

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