
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年03月07日 11:52   沪江英语 官方微博
Rihanna Rihanna

  When describing her new fragrance, called Reb’l Fleur, the singer said that it is “daring, sexy and truly memorable。” She also said that the aroma “is as much in tune with Barbados-born Rihanna’s roots as it is with the glamor of her present life in New York City. Reb’l Fleur is joyous yet intense, sophisticated yet marvelously surprising。”


Shakira Shakira

  Perfume S by popular Shakira is as melodic and harmonious as her music. The new accords include essences of amber, benzoin, vanilla, fresh wood and Sambac jasmine。

  “Just like a song, the perfume is composed of various, individual notes which make harmony“– said Shakira to the press。

  这位哥伦比亚全民热爱的歌手推出了自己的香水,2010年6月上市的“S by Shakira”是一款充满活力的性感香氛,味道以茉莉、檀香、蜂蜜、巧克力和草莓为主,这些气味对于Shakira来说有着特别的意义。

Taylor Swift Taylor Swift

  Country singer Taylor Swift is set to launch her own perfume and fragrance products in association with Elizabeth Arden in 2011.

  Swift said in a statement, "I have always loved how fragrance can shape a memory, the way certain scents remind you of events and people that are imprinted in your thoughts."


Tilda Swinton Tilda Swinton

  The Oscar-winning actress has collaborated with French beauty brand Etat Libre d'Orange on a new eau de parfum called Like This. Inspired by a passage from the hauntingly spiritual poem The Essential Rumi, Swinton took ginger as a starting point for the Like This perfume, with Yellow Tangerine, Moroccan Neroli and Vetiver added to the finished product to create a rich scent almost as unique as the actress herself。

  2010年3月Tilda Swinton和Etat Libre d’Orange合作推出了这款叫做“Like This”的香水。Tilda说最喜欢家的味道,所以希望能有一款香氛能有这样神奇的力量。这款新香水蕴含了生姜、胡萝卜、南瓜和狗爪的气味。

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