
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月01日 11:43   沪江英语

  Spiral Shell  清明螺

砂锅清明螺 砂锅清明螺

  The Qingming Festival is the right time for eating spiral shell. Spiral shell is abundant in this season。


  Wuren Rice  乌稔饭


  Wuren rice is common for She Nationality, who mainly live in East Fujian, including Fuzhou and Ningde. On the Tomb-sweeping Day, every family will cook Wuren Fan and exchange the food with each other as a present. Wuren Rice is made from glutinous rice and leaves of vaccinium bracteatum or Wuren tree。


  Spring-pancake  春饼


  Spring-pancake or chunbing is a traditional Chinese food unique to the northern regions. Eating spring pancakes is a customary way to celebrate the coming of spring。

  Spring pancakes are the low-budget vegetarian's version of Peking duck. The pancake is slightly thicker than those used for duck, and it is seasoned with not only savory brown sauce and spring onions, but also piled with any combination of a plentiful selection of stir-fried and marinated dishes, before being rolled up tight for spill-free eating。


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