各地清明小吃大搜罗:清明螺等(组图)Spiral Shell 清明螺 砂锅清明螺
The Qingming Festival is the right time for eating spiral shell. Spiral shell is abundant in this season。 清明时节,正是采食螺蛳的最佳时令,因这个时节螺蛳还未繁殖,最为丰满、肥美。 Wuren Rice 乌稔饭 乌稔饭
Wuren rice is common for She Nationality, who mainly live in East Fujian, including Fuzhou and Ningde. On the Tomb-sweeping Day, every family will cook Wuren Fan and exchange the food with each other as a present. Wuren Rice is made from glutinous rice and leaves of vaccinium bracteatum or Wuren tree。 关于清明食俗,不能不提到畲家的“乌稔饭”,因为闽东是畲族聚居地。每年三月初三,畲族人家家户户煮“乌稔饭”,并馈赠汉族的亲戚朋友,久而久之,当地的汉族人民也有了清明时食“乌稔饭”的习俗。 Spring-pancake 春饼 春饼
Spring-pancake or chunbing is a traditional Chinese food unique to the northern regions. Eating spring pancakes is a customary way to celebrate the coming of spring。 Spring pancakes are the low-budget vegetarian's version of Peking duck. The pancake is slightly thicker than those used for duck, and it is seasoned with not only savory brown sauce and spring onions, but also piled with any combination of a plentiful selection of stir-fried and marinated dishes, before being rolled up tight for spill-free eating。 其实北京没什么特别的清明食物,但有一样食物贯穿北京人整个春天,直到清明。每年立春日,北京人都要吃春饼,名曰“咬春”,一咬咬到二月二龙抬头,再一咬就咬到了清明。春饼饼皮比烤鸭饼皮要大,并且有韧性,更有嚼劲儿。卷的多是几种家常炒菜,通常为肉丝炒豆芽韭芽、肉丝炒菠菜、醋烹绿豆芽、素炒粉丝、摊葱花鸡蛋等。 网友评论企业服务 |