
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年04月02日 18:27   国际在线






  日前,一张泰勒在24岁时候的“黑白裸照”在她逝世后首次重见天日,据悉,这张“私密照片”是由泰勒的闺蜜兼密友----大名鼎鼎的摄影师 Roddy McDowall拍摄下来,而泰勒之后就把这张“黑白裸照”当做订婚礼物在1956年送给了第三任丈夫大名鼎鼎的制作人 Michael Todd。据悉,泰勒和第三任丈夫 Michael Todd的婚姻只维持了短短13个月,老公Todd 的私人飞机在新墨西哥州离奇坠毁也正式地将他和泰勒的婚姻划上了句号。


  Countless photographs have paid homage to Liz Taylor’s fabulous figure. But none has been so revealing as this. A private collector has released the only known picture of the star – then aged 24 – posing nude. It is understood to be the first time the photo has been shown publicly. It was an engagement gift from Miss Taylor to producer Michael Todd, who was her third husband。

  The picture was taken by one of her closest friends, actor and photographer Roddy McDowall. He persuaded her to pose naked by promising her it would be done tastefully. She then gave it to Todd as a present after he proposed in 1956 – the pair married a few months later but the relationship was tragically short-lived. Todd was killed 13 months after their wedding day when his private plane crashed during a storm over New Mexico. It was bought by private collector Jim Shaudis in 1980 and had been thought lost. But after her death from heart failure last week aged 79, he decided to show the image publicly for fans of the star. Since her death there have been a string of revelations and allegations about Dame Elizabeth’s past。

  Most recently it has been claimed that she was born at a ‘swingers’ party’ in a Cheshire village, rather than London, which is what is written on her birth certificate。

  It was said that her father, the art dealer Francis Taylor, and his actress wife Sara regularly attended disreputable gatherings in the village and were said to be ‘the swingers of their day’。


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