
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月09日 16:41   沪江英语

  3. Wish the W.T.C Towers Here!我希望世贸大厦在这儿~

  I wish that September 11 never happened, and wish it never happens again. 我希望9.11从未发生,也希望它永远不会再发生。

Wish had sun here!Wish had sun here!

  4. Wish had sun here!希望这儿出太阳。

  Love the cold, but today is too! wanted a little sun!我喜欢天冷,但今儿个太冷了,还是出点太阳吧!

Wish ipod plugged here!Wish ipod plugged here!

  5. Wish ipod plugged here!这儿插上一ipod该多好啊~(又是一苹果迷呀~)

Wish a lot of barbecue and meat to kill my hungry!Wish a lot of barbecue and meat to kill my hungry!

  6. Wish a lot of barbecue and meat to kill my hungry!烤肉烤肉,吃的饱饱!

  Sunday is a day of barbecue。星期天是个烤肉的日子啊~

Wish a sustainable planet!Wish a sustainable planet!

  7. Wish a sustainable planet!希望有一个可持续发展的地球!

Wish an idea here!Wish an idea here!

  8. Wish an idea here!点子点子,你在哪里!(这位童鞋,你已经很有创意咧~)

Wish money here!Wish money here!

  9. Wish money here!没钱咧,皮夹子里面多点钱吧~

  The end of the month came and the money ran out! 月末啦,唉,又月光了!(月光族童鞋,你的格言难道是:吃光用光,身体健康咩!)

Wish my old hair back!Wish my old hair back!

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