
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年05月09日 16:41   沪江英语

  10. Wish my old hair back!还我被剪掉的头发啊~(为啥我觉着剪了比以前好看咧~)

Wish helvetica here!Wish helvetica here!

  11. Wish helvetica here!我希望这里是赫维提卡字体。

  Who is the designer and loves Helvetica font will understand me。设计师还有Helvetica字体迷们会懂的!

Wish new shoes here!Wish new shoes here!

  12. Wish new shoes here!想要新鞋!

Wish my bed here!Wish my bed here!

  13. Wish my bed here!我的床,来这儿吧!

Wish a million fans here!Wish a million fans here!

  14. Wish a million fans here!粉丝们,你们在哪里啊~

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