美剧中别样的父子父女:摇滚明星 vs 感性女儿父与女:《识骨寻踪》摇滚明星 vs 感性女儿 父与女:《识骨寻踪》摇滚明星 vs 感性女儿
【状况介绍】听说女 儿Angela和她的未婚夫Hodgins分手,摇滚老爸发飙了:当初说好你要好好照顾我们家闺女,这会儿又为啥半途而废? 【台词片段】 - I warned the man,Angie。 - I told him if he hurt you,he would have me to contend with。 - Did you take off your glasses when you said it? - I definitely did。 - It was a mutual breakup。 - Were you hurt? - Dad.。。 - Could he have stopped it? - Yeah. Yeah. But so could I。 - Well,his daddy can come down and kick your ass. I can't do everybody's job。 - I wish you wouldn't。 - Okay,Sweet Girl. I will ameliorate my vengeful intentions。 - Ameliorate? - Honest? - Honest。 - Honest as a Texas sundown。 【关键句】 His daddy can come down and kick your ass. I can't do everybody's job。 (既然你也有责任,)那他爸也能来踹你,我可不能抢了别人的活儿干。 【小编短评】都说女儿是父亲前世的情人,如此这般 不依不饶地维护自家宝贝女儿的利益,可女儿有错却又睁一只眼闭一只眼,父爱的逻辑真是叫人哭笑不得。也怨不得《识骨寻踪》可怜的Hodgins最终被弃德 克萨斯荒漠,手臂上多了一Angie Forever的刺青。 父与子:《欢乐合唱团》妈妈男友 vs 莽撞少年 父与子:《欢乐合唱团》妈妈男友 vs 莽撞少年
【状况介绍】守寡十余年的老妈突然找了男朋友,居然还是班上同学丧妻多年的老爸,俩人一下子打得火热,叫Finn难以接受。其实不知道如何像一个男人般面对人生的他很需要一位父亲。 【台词片段】 - What are you doing here? Did you already move in? - No,your mom invited me. She thought you and I could have a man-to-man. Good,you know,'cause I got a lot to say about this。 - Well,I don't,so let me go first. You're pissed,I get it. Your dad is a hero, what he did in Desert Storm, but he's a hero to you. No way I can fill his shoes. It's just,you know... I love your mom. She's like this angel that,you know,came down to wake me up after all these years, and I swear to you I will never hurt her, I will always take care of her. And I can't be your dad, but I will be her hero for as long as she'll take me. All right,I've said my piece. What do you want to say? - Just... want to know if - you want to watch a game。 - Sure。 【关键句】 he's a hero to you. No way I can fill his shoes. It's just,you know... I love your mom. She's like this angel that,you know,came down to wake me up after all these years, and I swear to you I will never hurt her, I will always take care of her. And I can't be your dad, but I will be her hero for as long as she'll take me。 他是你的英雄,我没有可能取代他。但是我爱你的母亲,她就像天使下 凡,唤醒了沉睡这么多年的我,我向你保证,我绝对不会伤害她,我会一直照顾她,虽然我不能成为你的父亲,我会当她的依靠,只要她需要我。 【小编短评】重组家庭在当今社会日益增多,重组的第一步就是取得其它家庭成员的信任,即使不能够取代成为真正的父亲,也至少成为母亲的港湾。《欢乐合唱团》中 这段纯爷们之间的表白真挚感人。 网友评论 |