
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月30日 13:42   沪江英语
Wall Street 华尔街Wall Street 华尔街

  [1] Wall Street 华尔街

  In 1985, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen), a junior stockbroker at Jackson Steinem & Co., is desperate to get to the top. He wants to become involved with his hero, the corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas), a ruthless and legendary Wall Street player, whose values could not conflict more with those of Bud's father Carl (Martin Sheen), a blue-collar airline maintenance foreman and union president.。。

  Bud是纽约大学的毕业生,华尔街的失意经济人。在一次和大老板Gekko的面谈之后,改变了自己的生活。他为Gekko寻找内幕消息,成功获知了另一位投资人Lerry要收购ANC Steel的信息,帮助Gekko赚了一大笔钱。并成为了他的合伙人之一。Bud从Gekko那里学了很多,包括操纵股市和孙子兵法。最后在收购他父亲工作了一辈子的Blue Star Airline一案中,Bud和Gekko产生了“兴趣上的严重冲突”。以其人之道还其人之身,Bud用Gekko教的反击了Gekko,并挽救了Blue Star。但也因为操纵股市而入狱……


Glengarry Glen Ross 拜金一族Glengarry Glen Ross 拜金一族

  [2] Glengarry Glen Ross 拜金一族

  The film depicts

  two days in the lives of four real estate salesmen who are supplied with names and phone numbers of leads (potential clients) and regularly use underhanded and dishonest tactics to make sales. Many of the leads rationed out by the office manager are impoverished individuals lacking either the money or the desire to actually invest in land。

  There was controversy over lines in the play, and in the movie adaptation of it, in which it was claimed prejudice was shown against people from India. As a result, Mamet removed the language from the latest Broadway revival. The controversial dialogue is included in the movie version about a potential lead from the Patels, a family from India.。。



Trading Places 颠倒乾坤Trading Places 颠倒乾坤

  [3] Trading Places  颠倒乾坤

  Duke brothers Randolph (Ralph Bellamy) and Mortimer (Don Ameche) own Duke & Duke, a successful commodities brokerage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Holding opposing views on the issue of nature versus nurture, they make a wager and agree to conduct an experiment switching the lives of two people at opposite sides of the social hierarchy and observing the results. They witness an encounter between their managing director—the well-mannered and educated Louis Winthorpe III (Dan Aykroyd), engaged to the Dukes' grand-niece Penelope (Kristin Holby)—and a poor street hustler named Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy); Valentine is arrested at Winthorpe's insistence because of a suspected robbery attempt. The Dukes decide to use the two men for their experiment.。。



Boiler Room 锅炉房Boiler Room 锅炉房

  [4] Boiler Room  锅炉房

  In 1999, Seth Davis (Ribisi) a 19-year-old college dropout who lives and runs an illegal but successful underground casino in his Queens apartment. Because of dropping out of college and running an illegal business to support himself, his father Marty (Rifkin), a New York City federal judge disapproves of him and worries that Seth's criminal living may cost him his judgeship. In hopes to get on his father's good side, Seth joins J.T. Marlin, a brokerage firm based in a non-descript office building in or near Commack, NY, after Greg Weinstein (Katt) comes to his home to check out Seth's business and offers him a job at the firm. Seth agrees and becomes a trainee under Weinstein.。。



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