
http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年07月30日 13:42   沪江英语
Pirates of Silicon Valley 硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley 硅谷传奇

  [5] Pirates of Silicon Valley 硅谷传奇

  In 1984, Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle) speaking to director Ridley Scott (J. G. Hertzler), who is in the process of creating the 1984 commercial for Apple Computer which introduced the Macintosh personal computer to an Americanaudience for the first time. Jobs sees the commercial as a poetic statement of consciousness-raising, but Scott is more concerned at the moment with its technical aspects.。。



The Coca-Cola Kid 可口可乐小子The Coca-Cola Kid 可口可乐小子

  [6] The Coca-Cola Kid  可口可乐小子 

  Becker, a hotshot American marketing executive (played by Roberts) from the Coca-Cola Company visits their Australian operations and tries to figure out why a tiny corner of Australia (the fictional town of Anderson Valley) has so far resisted all of Coke's products. He literally bumps into the very pretty secretary (played by Scacchi) who is assigned to help him。

  Eventually Becker discovers that a local producer of soft drinks run by an old eccentric has been successfully fending off the American brand name products. The executive vows an all out marketing war with the eccentric but eventually comes to reconsider his role as a cog in Coca-Cola's giant

  corporate machinery. Along the way there are humorous subplots involving the office manager's violent ex-husband, Becker's attempt to find the 'Australian sound', and an odd waiter who is under the mistaken belief that Becker is a secret agent。



The Secret of My Success 成功的秘密The Secret of My Success 成功的秘密

  [7] The Secret of My Success 成功的秘密

  Brantley Foster (Michael J. Fox) is a recent graduate of Kansas State University who moves to New York City where he has landed a job as a financier. Upon arriving, he discovers that the company for which he's supposed to work has been taken over by a rival corporation. As a result, Brantley is laid off before he even starts working。

  After several unsuccessful attempts to get another job, mostly because he's either overqualified or underqualified and has little experience, Brantley ends up working in the mailroom of Pemrose Incorporated, which is directed by his uncle, Howard Prescott (Richard Jordan). Pemrose was founded by Prescott's father-in-law; Howard received presidency of the company by marrying his boss's daughter, Vera Pemrose (Margaret Whitton).。。



In Good Company 优势合作In Good Company 优势合作

  [8] In Good Company 优势合作

  Dan Foreman (Dennis Quaid) is a seasoned advertisement sales executive at a high-ranking publication when a corporate takeover results in him being placed under naive supervisor Carter Duryea (Topher Grace) who is half his age. Matters are made worse when Dan's wife (Marg Helgenberger) is discovered to be pregnant with their third child and Dan's new supervisor becomes romantically involved with his 18 year-old daughter Alex (Scarlett Johansson).。。

  51岁的霍丹(丹尼斯·奎德 饰)是一本美国权威杂志的广告部总监,事业得意的他家庭也十分美满。两名女儿非常出色以外,妻子最近又怀孕了。可是,霍丹的生活,因为事业上的突然转变,有了翻天覆地的改变。他的公司被大财团收购了,而他的职位将有一名叫卡达(托弗·戈瑞斯 饰)所替代,而这位新人只有26岁,没有一点广告经验,这使霍丹气愤不已。为了家庭,霍丹不能就此辞职。与霍丹相反的是,卡达早已与妻子离婚,了无牵挂。两个男人也开始了办公室里的明争暗斗,令人意想不到的是,因为霍丹女儿爱丽斯(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 饰),使两位男士改变了自己的态度…… 


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