都市新时尚:巴士餐厅里流动的美食(图)流动的美食:巴士餐厅 Bustaurant
或许你是上班族,一边在车站买早饭一边担忧着要等的巴士是否错过;或许你只是这个城市的旅行者,一边看着窗外的风景一边饥肠辘辘地寻找餐厅。那么,巴士餐厅的横空出世一定能迎合你观光、美食加便利的需求。 Instead of the typical standing at a curb, ordering and eating, the customers of these new eateries are given the option to step on board and be seated at tables inside the bus. Bustaurants have been popping up all over the place for some time now, selling everything from wood-fired pizzas to Korean tacos to gourmet desserts. 便食店的客户通常得站在路边点餐然后马上进食,现在他们有一个新的选择:坐在巴士里就餐。巴士快餐车到处涌现已经有一段时间了,从炭烤比萨、韩式玉米饼到美味甜点,车上卖的食物应有尽有。 One of the biggest differences between the bustaurant and its land locked restaurant brethren is that if you get seated with a bad view, just wait a few minutes, you may have the chance to have a better one shortly. 巴士餐厅和固定在地面上的同类餐厅最大的不同点之一是如果你坐在一个风景不好的地方,等几分钟,很快就有机会换一个更好的风景。 However, because the kitchen operation is prohibited whilst moving, most of the food is prepared off site or it prepared in the kitchen, but only while they stopped and in a designated parking area. 不过,因为车行走的时候厨房是不允许运作的,大多数食物是在外面准备好,或是停在指定的停车场时在车上的厨房做好的。 网友评论