Republic of Jamtland 国家名:耶姆特兰共和国 Location: Sweden 位于:瑞典 Founded: 1963 建国时间:1963年 Ruler: Ewert Ljusberg 统治者:尤尔特·柳伯格 Estimated Population: Unknown 人口:不详 Estimated Size: Unknown 国土面积:不详 About: Founded by a Liberation Movement that was opposed to the Swedish government attempting to merge Jamtland county with a neighboring county, this small self-proclaim state is a half-serious attempt to preserve the Jamtlandic culture, language and way of life。 国情:瑞典政府曾决定将耶姆特兰村和邻村合并,不支持此项决议的反对者发起了解放运动,并成立了耶姆特兰共和国,这个自封的小国希望能够保持耶姆特兰的文化、语言和生活方式。 5.科普曼帝国
Copman Empire 国家名:科普曼帝国 Location: United Kingdom 位于:英国 Founded: 2003 建国时间:2003年 Ruler: King Nicholas I 统治者:尼古拉斯一世 Estimated Population: One 人口:1人 Estimated Size: Unknown 国土面积:不详 About: When Nick Copeman changed officially changed his name to King Nicholas I and started an empire from his caravan in 2003 he gained an Internet cult following. He has since sold "peerages" over the Internet and attempted to mix with other British royals (unsuccessfully)。 国情:尼克·科普曼在2003年正式将自己的名字改成国王尼古拉斯一世,并在拖车里成立了他的科普曼帝国,帝国有一名国民,是一名网络追随者。国王试图在网上售卖“帝国爵位”,并与英国皇室成员结交,但都失败了。 6.他世界王国
Other World Kingdom 国家名:他世界王国 Location: Czech Republic 位于:捷克 Founded: 1996 建国时间:1996年 Ruler: Queen Patricia I 统治者:帕特丽夏女王一世 Estimated Population: Unknown 人口:不详 Estimated Size: Unknown 国土面积:不详 About: Other World Kingdom is essentially a fetish community for lovers of bondage and female domination. Laws include the fact that no woman can be punished for any crime; male slaves are punished on behalf of their female mistresses。 概要:他世界王国是一个女性至上的社区,女子统治,男子为奴。法律规定,不论女性犯下何种罪行,都不会受到责罚,而要由男性奴隶代替女主人受过。 7.西兰公国
Principality of Sealand 国家名:西兰公国 Location: United Kingdom 位于:英国 Founded: 1967 建国时间:1967年 Ruler: The Bates Family 统治者:贝茨家族 Estimated Population: 4 permanent citizens 人口:4名常住人口 Estimated Size: Unknown 国土面积:不详 About: An old World War II fort provides the location for this lowly principality. Pirate radio broadcaster took over Sealand in 1967. The principality is essentially a platform in the middle of the ocean, claimed to be in international waters and thus not accountable to the UK's courts. Sealand has issued 27 passports but only has four permanent residents。 国情:西兰公国建立在一座二战后废弃的堡垒上。海盗电台广播者在1967年接管了西兰。西兰公国其实是一座海上平台,公国声称自己的领土位于公海,不受英国管辖。国家发放了27本护照,但只有4位常住居民。 网友评论