There's an impractical and, quite frankly ridiculous, way to get out of abiding by your country's laws: start you own nation。 不想受到国家法律管束?有一个异想天开的解决办法:建立自己的国家。 Yes, it probably won't do you much use, and you'll probably still have to pay taxes, but still, people across the globe have been determined to be their own King。 是的,这可能没多大意义,该交的税也一分钱都不会少,但世界上仍有很多人决心成为自己的国王。 We've listed some of Europe's micronations here, ranging from hippy communes to renovated war forts to socialist islands on a tiny rock. May they serve as inspiration for your own micronation.。。 我们列出了一些欧洲地区的微国家,包括嬉皮社区,战争城堡和共产主义小岛。如果你想建立自己的微国家,也许能从中汲取灵感…… 1.艾里欧里王国
Kingdom Of Elleore 国家名:艾里欧里王国 Location: Denmark 位于:丹麦 Founded: 1944 建国时间:1944年 Ruler: King Leo III 统治者:里奥三世 Estimated Population: Unknown. But the population grows in the summer time。 人口:不详。夏天时人多。 Estimated Size: 15,000 square meters。 国土面积:15000平方米 About: A small island off Denmark's Northern coast, the Kingdom of Elleore was founded and declared independent when a group of school teachers bought it to organize a summer camp in 1944. The micronation has issued numerous stamps and coins and has had six monarchs since its independence。 国情:艾里欧里王国是位于丹麦北部海岸的一个小岛,1944年,一群教师买下它组织夏令营,并宣布独立建国。国家发行了很多邮票和硬币,迄今经历过六位君主更迭。 2.比约恩社会主义共和国
BjornSocialist Republic 国家名:比约恩社会主义共和国 Location: Sweden 位于:瑞典 Founded: 2005 建国时间:2005年 Ruler: President Oskar Augustsson 统治者:奥斯卡·奥格斯特森 Estimated Population: Usually Zero。 人口:一般没有人 Estimated Size: Six square meters。 国土面积:6平方米 About: Located on a stone that "looks like a tractor," this tiny socialist state near the Bos Islands doesn't recognize Swedish laws and has its own hymn. It made the news when Sweden refused to recognize a marriage between two citizens that allegedly took place on the tiny rock. It claims to be the smallest republic in the world。 国情:比约恩社会主义共和国位于一块石头上,这块石头“形似拖拉机”。共和国位于博斯群岛附近,不承认瑞典法律,有自己的国歌。建国原因是瑞典政府拒绝承认两位市民在这块石头上结成的婚姻关系。比约恩社会主义共和国自称是世界上最小的共和国。 3.费力蒂诺公国
Principality of Filettino 国家名:费力蒂诺公国 Location: Italy 位于:意大利 Founded: 2011 建国时间:2011年 Ruler: Luca Sellari 统治者:卢卡·塞拉利 Estimated Population: 550 人口:550 Estimated Size: 30 square miles 国土面积:30平方英里 About: Demonstrating its frustration with Italy's economy and austerity measures, this village decided to break away from th Italian government in August this year. The village intended to invite Prince Emmanuel Filiberto from the deposed Italian royal family to be Prince of their principality。 国情:受够了意大利不景气的经济环境和紧缩政策,这个村子今年8月份决定脱离意大利政府管辖。他们邀请被废黜的意大利皇室成员伊曼纽尔·费力伯托王子加入他们,并担任公国王子。 网友评论