Chinese stir-fry has now replaced chicken tikka masala as Britain’s favourite dish, a new survey revealed today。 今日的一份最新调查显示,中国小炒取代了印度咖喱鸡,成为了英国人的最爱食物。 The simplistic Cantonese dish, typically full of fresh vegetables and noodles, is now the most frequently cooked meal in the UK。 一些较为简单的粤菜(通常多以蔬菜和面条菜式)成为了现今英国人最常烹调的菜式。 One in five Brits now have it at least once a week, with over two-thirds saying a large part of its appeal is that its far easier to prepare than traditional British cuisine, with the average stir-fry only taking a few minutes to throw together and cook in a wok。 现在,有1/5的英国人一星期至少吃一次粤菜;有超过2/3的人表示,粤菜的吸引力在于准备起来远比传统的英国菜式简单。受访者表示,中国的小炒只需将菜混在一起,在锅内炒几分钟就能搞定了。 Asian food has become increasingly popular in the UK and is now a part of the nation’s staple diet as families opt for international cuisine over British dishes three out of seven nights of the week。 亚洲菜式风靡全英,现已成为英国家庭主要的国际菜式选择。在一个星期里,英国民众至少有3天会煮上一顿亚洲菜。 Nine out of ten of Brits' favourite international meals are Asian。 如今,90%的英国民众的最爱国际菜肴都是来自亚洲。 The study, which quizzed 2,000 Brits on their favourite international foods and was carried out by Food Network UK, also found that sushi and noodles are now cooked as regularly as more traditional dishes such as spaghetti and potatoes。 这是英国食品网对2000名英国人做了一项关于英国人最爱国际食物的调查研究。研究还发现,和传统食物意大利面和土豆一样,寿司和面条成为了常被英国人烹饪的食物。 Having become accustomed to exotic spices, half of Brits also say traditional British dishes such as cottage pie, sausages and mash, and fish and chips are simply too dull. Over a quarter of us now eat more Chinese, Thai and Japanese cuisine than we did 10 years ago。 50%的受访民众表示,由于他们都习惯了这些外来菜式,传统的英国菜肴(例如农家馅饼、香肠、土豆泥、炸鱼和薯条)都显得淡然无味。相比于10年前的英国人,现在有1/4的英国人会更偏向吃中国、泰国和日本的菜肴。 And the survey suggests it is a trend which is likely to grow, with a third of parents admitting their children are more adventurous and open to trying new foods than they are。 该研究还提出,有1/3的父母承认会允许他们的孩子更加大胆开放地尝试新式食物,这是一个不断增长的趋势。 Nick Thorogood, Managing Director of Food Network EMEA, said: 'Our research shows British palettes have changed and we now have a penchant for exotic tastes across the globe。 英国食品网的负责人尼克·霍诺古说道:“我们的研究表明英国人的口味正在转变,我们会更喜爱来自全球的各式味道。” 'It would have been unheard of for a typical family to tuck in to regular evening meals originating from Thailand or Japan a decade or so ago。 “一个传统的家庭会在晚餐做一顿泰国菜或日本菜?在10年前的那些日子里可从未听说过。” 'But now it is considered normal to be swapping a Cottage Pie for a Thai Green Curry. It is interesting to see nine out of the top ten international meals we regularly eat are Asian dishes。 “然而现在,泰式咖喱鸡取代了农家馅饼,类似现象实在太正常了。有趣的是,我们吃的10个国际菜式中,有9个是亚洲菜肴。” 'It shows that what were once considered exotic dishes are now considered everyday cuisine and we are becoming masters of the wok。 “这说明,曾经的外来菜肴成为了今日的每日一菜,而我们也成为了名副其实的‘掌锅人’。” 'It is encouraging to hear children are experimenting with food from different cultures from an early age and are not afraid to try different flavours.' “令人鼓舞的是,孩子从小也会去尝试不同文化的菜肴,那将来的他们会勇于尝试不同的口味。” 网友评论