世界最具创意广告牌:3D的完美展示效果(图)   2012年02月05日 15:17   沪江英语
6. Miele6. Miele

  6. Miele

  Just how strong is their vacuum cleaner? Miele answers this question by having Miami Ad School post a billboard of a flat vacuum head pointing to the sky, which actually sucks a hot air balloon. This ad really sucks the attention of so many people。


5. Tylenol5. Tylenol

  5. Tylenol

  Johnson & Johnson has clearly sent the message to spectators how a headache really hurts, even with a wreck ball stuck on the man’s forehead. The particular Tylenol ad has attracted a lot of people along Dundas Square in Toronto, Canada。


4. Formula Toothpaste4. Formula Toothpaste

  4. Formula Toothpaste

  When you are looking for toothpaste that can provide you REALLY strong teeth, then this billboard of Formula Toothpaste in Indonesia would really convince you into buying。


3. McDonald’s Sundial Billboard3. McDonald’s Sundial Billboard

  3. McDonald’s Sundial Billboard

  Back in 2009, there is one certain McDonald’s Billboard, created by the Leo Burnett ad agency that gets the attention of most people in Chicago along the corners of Clark and Addison Street. What’s the hitch? If you observe the ad between 6am to 11am, you can see it point at products from coffee to a burger, and 12noon lets you see the “M”。

  早在2009年,在美国芝加哥的Clark和Addison街头,就出现了一块由Leo Burnett广告代理商设计并制作的麦当劳广告牌,引起了不少人的关注。其中有什么小玄机吗?如果你在上午6点至11点看到这块广告牌的话,那么你会在上面看到从咖啡到汉堡包的各种麦当劳产品,到了中午12点,广告牌显示进入了M时间。

 2. Cingular 2. Cingular

  2. Cingular

  This ad located outside the Marriott Marquis in Times Square shows how dropped calls are really DROPPED! Cingular has done advertising to the next level by involving the billboard very close to the people. Too close actually…


1. Heineken1. Heineken

  1. Heineken

  This has to be one of the best concepts yet, crossing both the 2D and 3D border of guerilla billboard advertising. Since 2D display no longer attracts the masses, adding a bit of effect, such as you see in this one where a hand actually plans to get the beer, will really attract your attention!


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