
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月14日 13:32   新浪教育


  中餐一般不分餐:每人面前摆一套餐具:包括一只空碟、一双筷子,通常还会有一把汤匙。菜与汤 摆放在桌子中央,便于每个人取食;米饭或面条等主食盛放在各自单独的碗里。


  圆桌可坐10人或10人以上。贵宾席应面对正门或入口。主宾坐在贵宾席,主人坐在贵宾旁边。主方 与宾客按重要性依次相间向桌尾(背向门位置)排座。


  • 如何点菜和点什么菜

  通常情况下主人点菜,但是主人应该问一下客人是否有忌口(比如:是否只吃素,是否是回民,是 否吃辣?等等)。点菜时要尽量做到冷热、荤素均衡搭配。一餐丰盛的宴席通常包括4、6、8道凉菜和 6、8、10道热菜。具体数量根据实际情况而定。

  • 就餐礼仪流程: 邀请宾客先入座。 主人举杯——敬宾客; (主人说祝酒词) 先上凉菜——招呼宾客; 接着上热菜——招呼宾客; (主宾说祝酒词) 在某些场合中,汤在上凉菜与上主食间隙上桌。主食最后上。 就餐结束后,主人环顾宾客确认宾客是否有离席之意,如果是,主人可以说,“好吧或吃好了吗?感

  谢前来....。。”。然后主人缓缓站起,准备离席。主人应与宾客握手,将宾客送到门口,直到宾客离开。 如果带中国宾客出去吃饭,在就餐结束后,尽快付账。最好在就餐快要结束时就去吧台付款(一般

  称“结帐”或“埋单”)。无需支付小费。 出于节约与环保角度考虑,最好在饭后带走未吃完的食物。请服务员打包。 注:说祝酒词时通常要说“这是多么愉快的场合....。。感谢各位来宾光临/感谢您的盛情款待,....。。” 其他注意事项 *席间与宾客亲切交谈。如果你实在不知该说什么,可与宾客谈论一下菜品; *确保到场的宾客都能吃饱;但也不要“强加于人”; *用公用汤匙或公筷为宾客夹菜; *将肉食中的骨头放到碟子里; *切忌将筷子插在米饭上,要自然摆放。

  Chinese Table Manner

  In China, food is usually shared: everyone has a place set with an empty saucer, chopsticks, and often a spoon. Dishes and soup are set in the middle for all to share, while rice or noodles etc. are eaten out of individual bowls。

  Where to sit

  Large groups sit at round tables of 10 seats or more. The place of honor for the chief guest is opposite the door or entrance and the chief host sits next to the chief guest. Alternate host with guest until the least important person sits with back to the door。

  Eating out

  How and what to order:

  Usually the host orders, though the guest(s) should be consulted: Are they vegetarian? Muslim? Do they eat spicy food or not, etc. Try to order a balanced meal: cold and hot dishes, vegetable dishes and dishes with meat, even numbers of each. Usually for a banquet: total cold dishes 4, 6, or 8, total hot dishes 6, 8 or 10.

  How to eat:

  Invite guests to sit down first! Drinks first—Serve your guests first! Toast by the host. Cold dishes next—Serve your guests! Hot dishes next—Serve your guests! Toast by guest of honour. The soup is served somewhere between the cold dishes and rice, which comes last. When it is time to end the meal, the host looks around at the guests to check if they are ready to go. If they

  are, the host might say, "Well / Zenmeyang? .... Thank you for coming ...." and rises slowly to leave. You can shake hands with your guests. Hosts escort guests to the door and stay behind until they go。

  If you are taking out Chinese guests, be quick and discrete about paying the bill. You might slip away when the meal is about done and ask for the bill ("jiezhang" or "maidan"). There is no tipping。

  It is quite acceptable and environmentally responsible to ask for "doggie bags" for any leftover food (dabao)。

  Usual Toasts: "What a happy occasion .... Thank you for coming / for inviting me, ..."

  Things to do and not to do:

  • Talk to your guests. If you cannot think of anything proper, talk about the food。

  • Make sure the guests get enough to eat. But do not force them to eat。

  • Serve people with a common spoon or chopsticks。

  • Leave the bones in your saucer。

  • Do not stand your chopsticks in the rice。

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