最近看到一则报道说,调查显示,中国有65%以上的家庭存在“老养小”现象,30%左右的青年基本靠父母供养。小编心里默默为这些父母感到悲哀。难道咱们就不能放开手脚让孩子自立门户,然后自己好好享受退休后的生活吗? More and more older people are skiing and it has nothing to do with snow and slopes: this type of skiing stands for Spending the Kids Inheritance, or SKI。 越来越多的老年人加入了“滑雪”行列,不过这里的滑雪(ski)跟雪和滑雪道没什么关系,而是Spending the Kids Inheritance(SKI,不给孩子留遗产)的缩写形式。 The stereotype of grandparents sitting at home with a blanket over their knees could not be further from the truth。 传统印象中,祖父母膝上搭条毯子在家待着的情景已经不复存在。 Today's Saga generation are fit and active, living life to the full and spending their retirement cash on property, cars and travel。 如今的老一辈人,身体健康、思想活跃,乐于充分享受生活,也愿意把退休金花在房产、汽车以及旅游上面。 One of the SKIiers said: "When you get to retirement age and your kids are off your hands and the mortgage is paid, my opinion is: go and enjoy it. Don't put sums of money away for the kids, because you've spent an awful lot of money bringing those kids up." 有位“不留遗产族”是这么说的:“等你到了退休年龄,孩子们都自立门户了,贷款也还清了,我的意见就是:去享受生活。不要给孩子们存钱了,因为把他们养大已经花了很多钱。” 网友评论