
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月19日 11:48   新浪教育

  Basic Tab le Etiquette



  John could now relax as he felt he would be able to impress Jane when they were out. On leaving the restaurant, he noticed how the tables were set and decided to brush up on his table etiquette。


  Place the napkin on your lap as soon as you begin eating. Your waiter might want to do this for you。


  2. The small plate to your left is your bread plate. Upon it is a butter knife. Restaurants usually serve some bread and butter, or bread sticks and dip, while you are waiting for the starter to arrive. The waiter will take this plate away once you are finished with it。


  3. No matter how many sets of cutlery are alongside your plate, begin at the outside and work your way towards your plate。


  4. A dessert spoon is oval, and a soup spoon is rounded. Therefore, the round spoon to your right is for your soup, and the oval spoon at the top of your plate is for your dessert。


  5. Usually, any cutlery (knives, forks, spoons ) above your plate is for your dessert。

  一般情况下,在你碟上方的所有餐具 ( 刀、叉、匙 ) 都是为甜品而设的。

  6. A fish fork has shorter tines than a normal fork, and a fish knife is not serrated. It is more like a butter spreader, but with a sharper point。


  7. When you order steak, the waiter will usually bring a steak knife for you. When you order pasta, a spoon is provided. When eating the pasta, twirl some pasta onto your fork and create a neat bundle by twirling your forkful of pasta against the spoon。


  8. The larger wine glass is for red wine, and the smaller one is for white wine. Sometimes, a white wine glass is used to serve water. Separate glasses are provided if you order water, juice or cold drinks。


  9. If you have ordered a table salad, your waiter will place another small plate to your left. Dish some salad onto this plate for yourself。


  10. When are you are finished eating, place your cutlery parallel and close together. This signals to the waiter that he can take your plate away。



  John also planned to watch his manners. This meant that:


  ·He would not burp or pass gas at the table. If he needed to do these things, he would excuse himself to the bathroom and do it in private。


  ·He would not wave or click his fingers at the waiter. Generally, just catching their eye is enough. In most restaurants, one waiter will serve you, but if you cannot see him and catch a different waiter’s eye, that is fine too。


  ·Even if he did not plan on ordering any of the specials, John would not interrupt the waiter when he was telling the table about them. It is more polite to wait for the waiter to finish and then to thank him. It is part of his job to tell you about these。


  The Dinner


  Waiter: Good evening sir, good evening ma’am. Is this the wine you ordered?


  John: Yes, thank you。

  John: 对的,谢谢你!

  Waiter: Would you like a taste, sir?


  John: Yes, please。

  John: 好的,谢谢。

  Waiter pours a small amount into John’s glass. John swirls the wine, smells it and takes two slow sips。


  John: Perfect, thank you. (If the wine has turned or is corked, you are allowed to send it back. If you just don’t like the taste, remember not to order that one next time. )

  John: 很好,谢谢你。(如果酒变酸了或被人事先开瓶了,你有权退回。如果你只是不喜欢其味道,你只可以记住下次不要点同样的酒。)

  Waiter pours for both Jane and John。


  Jane: Thank you。

  John: 谢谢你!

  Waiter: May I take your order?



  John: Yes, please. ( Notice how John allows Jane to order first )

  John: 好的,谢谢。(留意John如何先让Jane点菜)

  Jane: Could I please have an Italian salad to start, and the tomato and chicken penne for a main。

  Jane: 我先要一个意大利沙律,主菜要蕃茄鸡肉长通粉。

  Waiter: Certainly, Madame。


  John: I would like the butternut soup to start, and the rump Béarnaise for my main。

  John: 我想要油桃果南瓜汤作前菜,而Béarnaise牛臀肉作主菜。

  Waiter: How would you like that done sir?

  侍应生: 先生,你的牛排要几分熟的?

  John: Medium rare, please。

  John: 3成熟,谢谢。

  Waiter: Chips, rice or baked potato?

  侍应生: 配薯条、米饭还是焗薯呢?

  John: Chips, please。

  John: 薯条。

  Waiter: Grilled vegetables or a salad, sir?

  侍应生: 要蔬菜还是沙律呢,先生?

  John: Salad, please。

  John: 沙律。

  Waiter: Excellent, so that’s one Italian salad, one butternut soup, the tomato and chicken penne and a medium rare rump Béarnaise with chips and a salad。

  侍应生: 非常好,那么是一个意大利沙律,一个油桃果南瓜汤,蕃茄和鸡肉长通粉,一份三成熟的Béarnaise牛臀肉,配薯条及沙律。

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