
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月19日 11:48   新浪教育

  Jane: Perfect, thank you very much. Just one more thing – I noticed that my fork is dirty. Could I please have another?

  Jane: 太好啦,非常感谢你。只是有一个小问题——我留意到我的叉子脏了。我可以要另一个吗?

  Waiter: Certainly, Ma’am. I’m so sorry about that。

  侍应生: 当然可以,女士。对不起啊。


  Jane: Not at all. Also, could I have my salad dressing on the side, please?

  Jane: 不要紧。还有,请问我沙律的酱汁可以放在沙律旁边吗?

  Waiter: Of course, ma’am。


  After they had enjoyed their starter, John and Jane received their main courses. However, John’s steak was very overdone. When the waiter came to make sure that everything was fine, this is what happened:


  John: I ordered this steak medium rare and it is well done. Could I please have one that is medium rare?

  John: 我点了三成熟的牛排,但这牛排已全熟了,我可以要一份三成熟的牛排吗?

  Waiter: Certainly sir, my mistake. It will just take a moment。

  侍应生: 当然可以,先生。是我的错,很快就好啦。

  John: Thank you。

  John: 谢谢你。

  John’s steak was brought back and this time it was perfect. Everything on his plate was hot and sizzling, and he found the entire meal to be so wonderful that the waiter’s prior mistake was immediately forgotten. When the waiter returned to take their plates and their dessert orders, this is what happened:


  Waiter: Was everything to your satisfaction?

  侍应生: 所有食物都满意吗?

  Jane: Oh yes, it was delicious, thank you。

  Jane: 满意,都很美味,谢谢你!

  John: Yes, would you please send our compliments to the chef? The Béarnaise sauce was some of the best I’ve ever eaten。

  John: 满意,可以帮我赞美主厨吗?Béarnaise酱是我平生吃过最好味的。


  Waiter: My pleasure, sir. I’m sure the chef will be very pleased to hear that. Would you like to order dessert?

  侍应生: 不客气,先生。主厨听到一定会很高兴的。你想点一些甜品吗?

  Jane: I’ll just have a coffee, please。

  Jane: 我只要咖啡就好了,谢谢!

  John: I’ll have the ice-cream and chocolate sauce, please。

  John: 我想要朱古力酱加雪糕,谢谢你。

  Waiter: Right away。

  侍应生: 马上来。

  John and Jane have enjoyed their meal very much, and have managed to chat about their interests during the meal. It has been a lovely evening. When the waiter comes to clear away the dessert plates, this is what happens:


  John: May we have the bill, please?

  John: 请结账,谢谢。

  Waiter: Here you are, sir。

  侍应生: 先生,这是你的账单,请过目。

  John looks at the total amount. Usually, waiters are tipped between 10% and 15% of the total, depending on the quality of their service. John decides to tip 13% because the waiter was very helpful but made a mistake with John’s main. John writes the amount that he is tipping the waiter beneath the cost of the meal, and totals the two amounts below that. He hands the waiter his credit card, signs the slip, and he and Jane take a walk around the neighbourhood。

  John看看账单的总数。通常客人都会给侍应生账单总数10% 及15%的小费,视乎他们的服务质量。John决定要给13%因为侍应生很乐于助人但又弄错了John的主菜。John在账单总数下写消费数目,而在其下面再写总数。他给侍应生其信用卡,签好单,然后再带Jane在附近散步。

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