六大初春最IN流行色:女生别让自己OUT啦(图)![]() Every season, designers find colors that evoke a range of emotions and style options we integrate into our wardrobes. For spring, get swept away in deeply saturated colors like turquoise, bright coral and citron. Explore the next great shade you'll be adding to your closet's color wheel。 设计师们在任何季节都能发掘出令人倾心的颜色与风格,让我们的爱美之心欲罢不能。这个初春,让宝石绿、珊瑚红和柠檬黄等浓浓的饱和色席卷你的视线。看看哪个颜色会使你衣橱里的色轮更绚烂。 ![]() Exquisite in Turquoise 细腻的宝石绿 Turquoise is perhaps the most popular color choice by designers this season. It looks elegant and fresh in this modern sleeveless wrap dress by Rachel Roy. You can also use the color in any form from clothes and jewelry, to shoes and nail polish。 在这个春天,宝石绿可能是设计师们的最爱。瑞秋·罗伊设计的时尚宝石绿无袖裹身裙清新脱俗。宝石绿不仅适合于服装,用于首饰、鞋子和指甲油同样漂亮。 ![]() Coral Cuteness 可爱的珊瑚色 Experience a bloom of fresh color with a bright coral like the Timo Weiland A-line dress. The sheerness of the neck and waistline make this cute, orange mini dress pop. If orange is intimidating to you, remember that coral has a pink undertone, so it easier to wear and match with other items in your closet that are beige, cream, brown, gray, etc。 体验一下亮珊瑚色的清新亮丽吧,蒂莫·蔚兰的A字裙就采用了这种颜色。轻薄透明的领部和腰线设计使这款可爱的桔黄迷你裙很受青睐。如果你觉得桔黄色有点不好驾驭,那可别忘了珊瑚色含有粉色的底色,所以穿起来更随意,还可以搭配你衣橱里米黄色、奶油色、棕色、灰色等各色衣饰。 网友评论