
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年03月22日 09:59   沪江英语
3. citron3. citron

  Vibrant Citron


  This gorgeous citron gown by Jason Wu will inspire cardigans, blouses, tanks, dresses and skirts that can be paired with a host of neutral separates. Keep in mind that this bold color should be the focal point of your outfit, find garments and accessories to complement this dazzling hue。


4. blue4. blue

  A Better Blue


  Ideal for day-to-night, cobalt blue looks beautiful on most complexions. Diane von Furstenberg celebrates the color in a surplus dress with a gray hemline. As the most versatile and flattering color of the rainbow, play up your hair and skin color with gorgeous shades for the season. Don't be afraid of saturated colors which will brighten your look for spring。


5. red5. red

  Red is All the Rage


  There’s a crimson tide coming this spring. Ride the wave of red apparel, accessories and shoes (don’t forget about the lip color, too!). Jenny Packham’s effortlessly chic gown pays tribute to the color with vibrancy, strength and femininity. For your own ensemble, any accessory or garment in this signature color, will do. However, get sophisticated and pair your red item with a dark beige or gray instead of black, for a ultra chic outfit。


6. pink6. pink

  Re-Think Pink


  Elle Woods fans can breathe a sigh of relief, pink is back! Designer Callula Lillibelle crafted an amazing plunging pink gown that doesn’t even need a bend and snap to turn heads. Have fun with different shades, like blush and magenta, for your own pretty in pink look。


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