![]() Five people in south China face charges of illegal trading of a kidney from a teenager who bought an iPhone and an iPad with the earnings, local authorities said Friday。 The five, including a surgeon, were charged with intentional injury, the people's procuratorate in Chenzhou city in Hunan province said in a statement。 Defendant He Wei, who was penniless and frustrated over gambling debts, sought to make enormous earnings through illegal kidney trading, according to the agency。 He asked Yin Shen to look for donors through online chat rooms and Tang Shimin to lease an operating room from Su Kaizong, the contractor of a local hospital's urology department, it stated。 Song Zhongyu, a surgeon from a provincial hospital in Yunnan province, conducted the kidney transplant from a 17-year-old high school student from Anhui province, surnamed Wang, to a recipient in April last year。 He received about 220,000 yuan for the activity and gave Wang 22,000 yuan. He, the other four defendants and several other medical staff involved in the transplant shared the remaining earnings。 After returning home, Wang confessed to his mother that he sold one of his kidneys when questioned how he got money for a new iPhone and iPad。 Wang now suffers from renal insufficiency and his condition is deteriorating。 为了买iPhone和iPad2,17岁高中生小王于2011年4月下旬在网上黑中介的安排下,卖掉了自己的一个肾。手术后,小王的身体状况越来越差,检查结果为肾功能不全,经鉴定,其伤情构成重伤、三级伤残。近日,介绍该少年卖肾的“黑中介”何伟、尹申、唐世民三人以及为小王实施手术的“黑医生”宋忠于、苏开宗二人,被郴州市北湖区人民检察院以涉嫌故意伤害罪,依法提起公诉。 为了买iPhone和iPad竟然卖掉自己的肾,这样耸人听闻的事情确实发生了。黑中介固然有罪,但真正将少年推向深渊的还是他自己的虚荣心、或是弥漫在这个社会里的攀比欲。肾和iPhone、iPad,哪个是必须的,哪个是可有可无的,每个人心里都明白。不要让虚荣心冲昏了理智,不要在攀比中迷失了自己。 网友评论