
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月09日 17:34   沪江英语

  Not everyone can start out in the acting, modeling or talk show industry without first breaking a little sweat。


  From Howard Stern to Brad Pitt, most celebrities began their careers making a modest earning and doing menial tasks。



Jon HammJon Hamm


  Jon Hamm


  Jon Hamm may play the suave and dapper Don Draper on "Mad Men" now but at one time, he was behind the scenes in a much different movie genre. The actor worked as a set dresser for adult films。


  "You gotta move cameras around, and ashtrays. And continuity is apparently an issue," Hamm explained to The Guardian of his duties, which the out-of-work actor took on, he says, to make ends meet until his current girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt cast him in a play。

  “你需要将摄像机、烟灰缸移来移去,而且要不间断地工作,” 汉姆这样对《卫报》记者解释他过去的工作。那是失业演员的活计,他补充到在现女友詹妮芙·威斯菲尔德为他谋到一个角色前他拮据度日。


Cindy CrawfordCindy Crawford


  Cindy Crawford


  She might be one of the "hottest women of all time" and may have been the sole reason millions of people switched from Coke to Pepsi but Cindy Crawford didn't always have the most glamorous job。


  While looking for extra cash as a college freshman in Illinois, the supermodel made a living as a corn-shucker at a local fair。



Hugh JackmanHugh Jackman


  Hugh Jackman


  Before Hugh Jackman was a Tony-award winning actor or known for playing Wolverine in the "X-Men" franchise, he worked as another kind of entertainer: a clown。


  “I am really bad at magic. In fact, I used to be a clown at kid's parties,” Jackman confessed to In The News. “I was Coco the Clown and I had no magic tricks and I remember a six-year-old standing up at a party saying 'Mummy this clown is terrible, he doesn't know any tricks' and he was right."

  “我缺乏魔术天赋。但其实我过去在为孩子举办的晚会上扮小丑,” 杰克曼在接受《时事新闻》采访时坦承,“我是不会变魔术的小丑可可。我记得,一名6岁孩子在晚会上站起来说:‘妈妈,这个小丑真糟糕,不会变魔术’,他说得对。”


Tom CruiseTom Cruise


  Tom Cruise


  Tom Cruise doesn't just have the "Mission Impossible" series and "Risky Business" on resumé. The actor was also a paperboy for the Louisville Courier Journal。


  At age 14, Cruise joined a seminary in Cincinnati for a whole year and even took a vow of celibacy。


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