
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月10日 10:28   沪江英语




  The Sherlock star was among more than 150 people nominated in an online poll to join the 99 others chosen by Time’s editors on a roll of the “leaders, artists, innovators,icons and heroes” of 2011.


  The voting is now closed and although Cumberbatch didn’t win, he came a very respectable seventh, beating famous names ranging from Barack Obama to Lady Gaga, David Cameron to Adele, Aung San Suu Kyi to Rihanna。

  日前投票正式结束,缺爷虽然没有名列榜首,但以压倒性的优势稳坐第七位,排名超过奥巴马、英国首相卡梅隆、Lady Gaga、阿呆以及昂山素季。

  Cumberbatch received a total 91,840 “Yes” votes in the poll, which was won by internet hacking group Anonymous。


  Other Brits nominated included Kate Middleton, in 48th place, Daniel Craig, 49th, Maggie Smith, 73rd, and The Queen in 75th place。

  其他被提名的英国名人中包括凯特王妃(Kate Middleton,第48位),007丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig,第49位),“麦格教授”玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith,第73位)以及英国女皇(第75位)。

  Time magazine has a worldwide circulation of over 25 million, the largest of any weekly news magazine. A European edition is published in London。




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