
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月20日 10:46   沪江英语

  Unemployment causes as much unhappiness as separation or bereavement


  People experience a sharp drop in well-being when they are unemployed. Unemployment causes as much unhappiness as bereavement or separation。


  High unemployment impacts the happiness not just on the families of the unemployed but also those in work who feel less secure in their jobs。


  The quality of work is extremely important to happiness. Respondents from OECD countries were asked to rank eight different job characteristics on a five point scale from not at all important to very important. Only 20 percent of respondents from OECD countries said a high income is very important, 60 percent said job security is very important, while 50 percent said interest work is very important。


Increase happinessIncrease happiness

  Trust, freedom, equality and social interactions increase happiness


  Individual happiness comes from a set of social interactions, and trust plays a huge role. In a well-functioning society there is a high level of trust between citizens and between institutions。


  Bonding capital i.e. people who are similar to one another and bridging capital i.e. people who are different impacts life satisfaction and happiness. "We want both - not only good social capital within communities but also good links between communities."


  Freedom is a key component to happiness。


  Equality plays a huge role in happiness because greater equality is associated with reduced social tensions, especially when the inequality is seen as unfair. Also, the value of extra income is greater for the rich than the poor。


Religious reportReligious report

  In countries where life is harder, those who are more religious report more positive emotions


  About 68 percent of adults across the world say that religion is important in their daily lives. Religious belief and practice is more common in countries where life is harder. In the U.S. religious is belief is higher in states where life is harder。


  While there is no difference in life satisfaction between more and less religious countries, in countries where life is harder there is significantly more positive emotion and less negative emotion among those who are more religious。


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