
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月24日 11:36   沪江英语

  A week into a scandal involving U.S. Secret Service agents - who allegedly brought prostitutes to their hotel in Colombia ahead of President Barack Obama's arrival for a summit - reverberations continue in Washington. Several agents have been forced out of their jobs. Congress plans extensive hearings into a scandal that has tarnished the agency and embarrassed the White House。


  As photos surfaced of one of the Colombian women allegedly involved, other details also have emerged - including the identities of two agents ousted so far from the agency。


  David Chaney and Greg Stokes - both supervisors - are among the agents leaving. The agency has expanded its investigation to determine exactly how many personnel may have been involved. At least 11 members of the U.S. military also are believed to have been involved - the military is conducting its own investigation。


  In his only remarks so far, the president said he had respect for the Secret Service, but awaits the results of investigations. "I'll wait until the full investigation is completed before I pass final judgment," said Obama. The White House is defending the Secret Service director who faces increasing pressure from the U.S. Congress。

  到目前为止,美国总统奥巴马并未对召妓丑闻发表太多言论,只表示尊重特勤局的工作,并将等待调查结果。奥巴马说:“我会等到全部调查结束后再做最后的评估。” 而对于特勤局局长马克·苏利文面临来自国会的持续施压,白宫采取的则是维护态度。

  Press Secretary Jay Carney angrily rejected suggestions by prominent Republicans that the Secret Service scandal - along with other recent controversies - reflect a failure of leadership by the president. "It is preposterous to politicize the Secret Service, to politicize the behavior of, the terrible conduct of some soldiers in Afghanistan in a war that has been going on for 10 years."


  There is anger over the scandal on both sides of the political aisle. "It's so, what would be the word, disgusting, disconcerting, and every D-word you can think of," said House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi。


  House and Senate committee hearings next week will ensure that the Secret Service scandal remains prominently in the headlines。




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