
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年04月28日 10:15   沪江英语
Hot ChocolateHot Chocolate

  NO.6 Hot Chocolate, Turin, Italy


  In Italy’s chocolate capital, sip a cioccolato caldo. This winter-buster comes very thick, hot, and agreeably bitter, topped generously with whipped cream. Sample bicerin, a layered hot-chocolate-and-espresso drink served in glass cups, available only in Turin, or try giandujotto, a foil-wrapped, chocolate-hazelnut candy。


  Planning: Visit in February for the chocolate festival, Cioccola-Tò. Buy a Choco-Pass at the tourist office and get discounts on sweet treats around the city。


Valrhona ChocolateValrhona Chocolate

  NO.7 Valrhona Chocolate, Tain l’Hermitage, France


  In wine-making country, on the Rhône’s left bank, visit the home of Valrhona chocolate, favored by many of the world’s leading chocolatiers and chefs. Unusually, the chocolate is made only with natural fat from cocoa butter; no vegetable fat is added. Chocoholics will enjoy the chance to sample or buy at the factory shop, while professional chefs can study at Valrhona’s école du Grand Chocolat, a chocolate-cookery school。


  Planning: The factory shop opens daily except Sundays. Explore the medieval city of Tournon, across the river。


Chocolate and ChurrosChocolate and Churros

  NO.8 Chocolate and Churros, Madrid, Spain


  Few institutions offer better evidence of Madrid’s insomnia than its perennially popular chocolaterías (also known as churrerías), typically abuzz with late-night revelers from 4 a.m. to breakfast time. Their trademark dish is the churro, a long waffle-like stick of savory fried dough, eaten dunked into very thick bittersweet hot chocolate。


  Planning: Chocolatería San Ginés is downtown on Pasadizo San Ginés. It's open all night。

  小贴士:Chocolatería San Ginés位于Pasadizo San Ginés的市中心,整晚开放。

Nemesis, River CaféNemesis, River Café

  NO.9 Nemesis, River Café, London, England


  One of London’s best restaurants and the spawning ground of many a celebrity chef, including Jamie Oliver, the café’s signature dessert is the Chocolate Nemesis cake. Gooey with a slight crust on top, it gains its richness from a staggering quantity of chocolate。


  Planning: Chocoholics can join a Chocolate Ecstasy Tour of London。


Chocolate HotelChocolate Hotel

  NO.10 Chocolate Hotel, Bournemouth, England


  To eat, breathe, and sleep chocolate, where better to stay than this chocolate-theme hotel? Chocolate-tasting and chocolate-making classes ensure that chocoholics leave satisfied。


  Planning: The hotel is on West Cliff, near both beach and downtown. Work up an appetite by walking along the town’s magnificent beach。


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