爆笑:围观跑进大学校园里的蠢萌黑熊(视频)跑进科罗拉多州大学的蠢萌熊 媒体来源:新浪教育
The bear was spotted wandering around Williams Village in Boulder, Colorado on Thursday morning by surprised residents who notified police。 As officials tried to corner the animal, it climbed 15 feet up a tree near the student housing in an attempt to escape。 US Wildlife Department officials shoot the bear with two tranquilliser darts before it tumbled from its perch onto a mattress below。 Black bears usually come out of hibernation in March and April and start to scavenge for food, which may have led it into the city。 Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesperson Jennifer Churchill said the bear has been tagged and relocated to the foothills west of Boulder。 文字来源:Telegraph 网友评论
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