
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月03日 10:37   沪江英语

  The upcoming romantic comedy (or “relationship comedy” as it’s labeled by Screen Gems) “Think Like A Man” is a weird creation. It’s marketed as a dude flick, but is actually supposed to be one of those heartwarming and hilarious battle-of-the-sexes stories that women eat up. The gist of that is that women are the ones who are setting out to “think like a man,” and yet it seems to be a movie about men acting like men, and being confused by women and their one-upmanship. Or something. It’s based on a self-help book, so the plot shouldn’t be expected to make a lot of sense。


  So, we’ve decided to take the concept, clarify it, and run with it for a strapping list feature. Here, in my humble opinion, are the best cinematic ways to think like a man. Combine them all, and you would be the most perfect of all Y chromosomes。



  Gary Cooper in High Noon and Bruce Willis in Die Hard


  The man who strides out alone, willing to confront the enemy alone. The film was criticized in its day for being an obvious allegory, and for having a “cowardly” character who sought help first, and fought solo second. But it takes as much guts to ask your friends to fight beside you as it does to go out there alone, and Cooper now strikes us as the ultimate moral compass, willing to die to prove his principles. His cinematic descendant, John McClane in Die Hard, pretty much does the same thing. He could hide in the air ducts and wait until morning, but he fights on, bare-footed and bloody, until he saves the building。



  Daniel Day-Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans and Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings


  I’m going to go ahead and lump these two guys together because they epitomize the type of man who can go out into the wilderness with a single knife, and build a house, stock the kitchen, and fight off all enemies in the vicinity. They can read volumes out of a bent blade of grass. If you’re looking for a man who can do anything with nothing, and recite a bit of poetry to the stars once you’re all settled down for the night, these are your guys。


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