
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月03日 10:37   沪江英语

  Steve McQueen in The Thomas Crown Affair, Richard Burton in Where Eagles Dare, and James Bond (whichever one you prefer)


  It isn’t all brawn and bulk that makes a man. You also need to out think everyone else, be fast on your feet, and keep the enemy guessing. You have to be able to speak well, convince them all you’re on their side, and buy yourself enough time to remove evidence, plant the bomb, or retrieve your gun. Being well-dressed and seductive helps too, since you’ll never know when you need to impress a lady or a gentleman。



  Steve McQueen in Bullitt, Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry


  And yet, sometimes being a man is about doing whatever you have to do to uphold the law, even if it means everyone (girlfriend, fellow officers, government officials) hates you for doing it. To be a man, sometimes you have to be the bad guy – or at least the antihero – of the story, and do whatever it takes, even if you can never really get the blood off your hands。



  Kirk Douglas in Spartacus, Gerard Butler as King Leonidas in 300, Liam Neeson in Michael Collins, Mel Gibson in Braveheart, Sean Penn in Milk


  I almost hate to bring some of these men up, because the movies aren’t exactly accurate, the actors, and even the historical figures they portray are decidedly controversial. But it takes a special kind of man to think about something even bigger than himself – freedom, mainly – and be willing to lay down his life for it. We all say we would do that for something or other, but the hardest part of that decision is never really knowing if your sacrifice is going to be worth it. But you march into battle anyway, because come victory or defeat, everyone will remember (and perhaps take up the gauntlet for you) that you fought until the end for them, not yourself。


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