
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 10:32   沪江英语


  1. Community (NBC)《废柴联盟》

Community (NBC)Community (NBC)

  NBC may shelve it and the Golden Globes may not recognize it, but you all made damn sure that Community won the top slot by a huge margin. Go Human Beings!

  2. How I Met Your Mother (CBS)《老爸老妈浪漫史》

How I Met Your MotherHow I Met Your Mother(CBS)

  HIMYM: a legen…wait for it…dary comedy that we're obsessed with and will watch until we meet the mother! Or at least until Robin and Barney get together for good。

  3. Big Bang Theory (CBS)《生活大爆炸》

Big Bang Theory (CBS)Big Bang Theory (CBS)

  When someone like Jim Parsons is manning the ship, how can you not tune in every week? And when the supporting cast is equally amazing…well, let's just say BBT is here to stay。

  4. Modern Family (ABC)《摩登家庭》

Modern Family Modern Family(ABC)

  Beloved by critics, fans and every award organization out there, Modern Family hasn't lost any of its comedic steam since premiering in 2009.

  5. New Girl (Fox)《杰茜驾到》

New GirlNew Girl(FOX)

  It was our favorite new series of the fall, and how can you not love the friendship-but-should-be-more between Nick and Jess?

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