
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月04日 10:32   沪江英语

  6. Glee (Fox)《欢乐合唱团》

Glee (Fox)Glee (Fox)

  Glee fans are some of the most passionate around, that much we know. And even though most would say that it's not as good as it used to be, Gleeks were able to get their beloved musical-comedy onto our list。

  7. Parks and Recreation (NBC)《公园与游憩》

Parks and Recreation (NBC)Parks and Recreation (NBC)

  The Golden Globes may not recognize the brilliance of Parks and Rec, but you guys sure do. Thank you for voting Ron Swanson's crew into the top 10!

  8. 2 Broke Girls (CBS)《打工姐妹花》

2 Broke Girls (CBS)Broke Girls (CBS)

  Only two freshman comedies made the top 10 list, and we're not surprised that one of them is this CBS comedy revolving around the unlikely friendship between tough-girl Max and spoiled princess-turned-commoner Caroline。

  9.Happy Endings (ABC)《幸福终点站》

Happy Endings (ABC)Happy Endings (ABC)

  It almost didn't survive past a first season, but now in its Sophomore year, Happy Endings is the buzziest comedy on television. In fact, it made most people's list of Top 10 comedies of 2011.

  10. Raising Hope (Fox)《家有喜旺》

Raising Hope (Fox)Raising Hope (Fox)

  Often overlooked, this underrated comedy is consistent from week to week, and it involves Cloris Leachman. Always a winning combination。

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